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Male John Knowles Click to view John Knowles in the family tree

John was born in 1687 in Rhode Island, USA.1   John's father was William Knowles and his mother was Alice Fish.  His paternal grandparents were Henry Knowles and Elizabeth Potter; his maternal grandparents were Thomas Fish and Mary Sherman. He had four brothers and five sisters, named Henry, William, Robert, Daniel I, Mary, Margaret, Rose, Martha and Alice.  He was the fourth youngest of the ten children.  He died in Rhode Island, USA.1 

John's family with Elizabeth Warner

‌John and Elizabeth were married in a religious ceremony on May 22nd, 1718 in Rhode Island, USA.2   They had a son named John Jr.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
2 Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island by John Osborne Austin
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