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Male Thomas de Greystoke Click to view Thomas de Greystoke in the family tree

Thomas de was born in of, Greystoke, Cumberland, England.1   Thomas de's father was William De Greystoke and his mother was Helwise De Stuteville.  His paternal grandparents were Ralph (Ranulf) De Greystoke and Amabel De Baliol; his maternal grandparents were Robert IV De Stuteville and Sibilla De Valognes. He had five brothers named Simon de, Gilbert de, Elye de, Richard de and Alexander de. He had a half-brother and two half-sisters, named Lawrence Fil William, Hawise and Ada.

Thomas de's family with Christian Veteripont

‌Thomas de and Christian were married in a religious ceremony in ,,Northumberland, England.1   They had four sons and a daughter, named Thomas de, John de, Robert de, William de and Joan de.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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