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2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Claes Nicholas DeWitt Genealogy Home Page
Claes Nicholas DeWITT b. abt 1594, H olland, Netherlands, m. abt 1618,
Taatje VAN LUEVEN, b. abt 1596. Claes died Esens?, East Friesland, Ger.
He lived at Grootholdt, Zunderlandt, Holland, th e most southerly of the
three natural divisions of the old Dutchy of Westphal ia, consisting of
hills and vales, woods and meadows, suited for grazing and dairying.
Tjerck Claessen DeWITT b. abt 1619/1620.
Emmerentie D eWITT b. abt 1621.
Jan Claessen DeWITT b. abt 1622, d. 1699, Kingston, Ulster Co., NY.
Andries DeWITT b. abt 1623. Located at Esopus, Ulster Co., NY, c165 8.
Taatje DeWITT b. abt 1624. Remained in Holland.
De Witt Genealogy Home P age
DE WITT (1594-1839)
Claes Nicholas DE WITT (abt 1594) - _______ m. (abt 1618) Taatje VAN
LUEVEN (abt 1596) - _______
Tjerck Claessen DE WITT (abt 1 619/1620) - (17-Feb-1700) m. (24-Apr-1656)
Barbara ANDRIESZEN (abt 1630) - (6 -Jul-1714)
Andries DE WITT (abt 1657) - (22-Jul-1710) m. (7-Mar-1682) Jannetj e
Egbertsen MEYNDERTSZEN (abt 1664) - (25-Nov-1733)
Egbert B. DE WITT (18-M ar-1699) - (13-Jul-1761) m. (4-Nov-1726) Mary
NOTTINGHAM (19-May-1704) - (Jan . 1759)
Jacob Rutsen DE WITT (13 Apr 1729) - (6-Jan- 1792) m. (15-Apr-1756)
Janneke DEPUY (cir 1735) - (18-Dec-1819)
Mary (Maria) DE WITT (abt 1756) - ( 9-Jul- 1839) m. (17-May-1774) William
ROSE (cir 1747) - (1802)
Rose Bud Hom e Page
Dick Rose's Home Page [DeWitt 5-99.FTW]
Claes Nicholas DeWitt Genealog y Home Page
Claes Nicholas DeWITT b. abt 1594, Holland, Netherlands, m. abt 16 18,
Taatje VAN LUEVEN, b. abt 1596. Claes died Esens?, East Friesland, Ger.
He lived at Grootholdt, Zunderlandt, Holland, the most southerly of the
thre e natural divisions of the old Dutchy of Westphalia, consisting of
hills and vales, woods and meadows, suited for grazing and dairying.
Tjerck Claessen DeWITT b. abt 1619/1620.
Emmerentie DeWITT b. abt 1621.
Jan Claes sen DeWITT b. abt 1622, d. 1699, Kingston, Ulster Co., NY.
Andries DeWITT b. abt 1623. Located at Esopus, Ulster Co., NY, c1658.
Taatje DeWITT b. abt 1624 . Remained in Holland.
De Witt Genealogy Home Page
DE WITT (1594-1839)
Cla es Nicholas DE WITT (abt 1594) - _______ m. (abt 1618) Taatje VAN
LUEVEN (abt 1596) - _______
Tjerck Claessen DE WITT (abt 1619/1620) - (17-Feb-1700) m. ( 24-Apr-1656)
Barbara ANDRIESZEN (abt 1630) - (6-Jul-1714)
Andries DE WITT ( abt 1657) - (22-Jul-1710) m. (7-Mar-1682) Jannetje
Egbertsen MEYNDERTSZEN (ab t 1664) - (25-Nov-1733)
Egbert B. DE WITT (18-Mar-1699) - (13-Jul-1761) m. (4 -Nov-1726) Mary
NOTTINGHAM (19-May-1704) - (Jan. 1759)
Jacob Rutsen DE WITT (13 Apr 1729) - (6-Jan- 1792) m. (15-Apr-1756)
Janneke DEPUY (cir 1735) - (1 8-Dec-1819)
Mary (Maria) DE WITT (abt 1756) - (9-Jul- 1839) m. (17-May-1774) William
ROSE (cir 1747) - (1802)
Rose Bud Home Page
Dick Rose's Home Page