ID: I03577
Name: Wyntje Ariense DeJong 1 2 3 4
Sex: F
Birth: ABT. 1623 in Herwijnen, Gelderland, Holland 5
Birth: ABT. 1622 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland 4 5
Death: AFT. 1679 in Hurley, Ulster Co., New York 6
Death: 15 APR 1660 in Kingston, Ulster Co., New York 4 5
Event: My Relation 9th Great Grandmother
Father: Adrian Meertensen DeJongh b: ABT. 1600 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland
Mother: Maria MN? b: ABT. 1600 in Of, Herwijnen, Gelderland, Holland
Marriage 1 Aeldert Heymansen Roosa b: 1621 in Herynen, Gelderland, Holand
Married: 1642 5
Married: BEF. 1643 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland 4
1. Hymen Alderste Roosa b: MAR 1644/45 in Gelderland, Holland
2. Arien Heymanse Roosa b: 3 JUN 1643 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland
3. Jan Roosa b: 1651 in Netherlands
4. lkee or Aaghe Roosa b: 1651 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland
5. Maritje Roosa b: BET. 1652 - 1659 in Gelderland, Netherlands
6. Neeltje Roosa b: 1653 in Gelderland, Netherlands *****
7. Jannetje Roosa b: 1656 in Gelderland, Netherlands
8. Aert Roosa b: ABT. 1658 in Gelderland, Netherlands
9. Annatje Roosa b: ABT. 1662 in Kingston, Ulster Co., New York
10. Guert Roosa b: 15 JUN 1664 in Kingston, Ulster Co., New York
1. Title: Genealogical and Family History of Souther New York
Author: Cutter
Note: Libary of Congress
Call Number: F 118.C993
Media: Book
2. Title: Web Site - A Roosa Family Bible Record
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
4. Title: SoftBear's Geealogy & Family History
Author: David L. Dickman
Publication: last access 6.1.2002
Note: Lot of Van Bunschoten work came from
Van Bunschoten Or Van Benschoten Family In America. 1st printed in 1907
To purchase, contact: Rith Fink, 421 Cornwell, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420, or Catherine W. Birth,
RD#1 Box 113, Hunlock Creek, PA 18621.
Name can be either Van Bunschoten or Van Benschoten. Latter is now used.
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
5. Title: The Stanley Glen Kain Family Home Page
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
Title: Depue, Depuy Family Home Page
Author: Otis R Anderson
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
6. Title: SoftBear's Geealogy & Family History
Author: David L. Dickman
Publication: last access 6.1.2002
Note: Lot of Van Bunschoten work came from
Van Bunschoten Or Van Benschoten Family In America. 1st printed in 1907
To purchase, contact: Rith Fink, 421 Cornwell, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420, or Catherine W. Birth,
RD#1 Box 113, Hunlock Creek, PA 18621.
Name can be either Van Bunschoten or Van Benschoten. Latter is now used.
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
Text: Web page says reference is;
The Compendium of American Genealogy; The Standard Genealogical Encyclopedia of The First Families of America; vol. VII