- b.1334 in ,,Staffordshire, England d.16 Oct 1386 in ,,,England

- b.2 MAR 1376/77 d.21 Jul 1403

- b.~ 1334 in Of, Elmley, Gloucestershire, England d.<06 Apr 1386

- b.15 Aug 1402 d.10 Jul 1460

- b.7 JAN 1354/55 in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England d.09 Sep 1397 in Calais, Pas-De-Calais, France

- b.Apr 1383 in Pleshy, Essex, England d.16 Oct 1438

- b.1366 in Of, Hereford, Herefordshire, England d.03 Oct 1399 in Minoresess Convent, Aldgate, Middlesex, England

- b.~ 1424 d.>02 Nov 1483

- b.04 Sep 1455 d.02 Nov 1483 in executed

- b.MAR 1339/40 in Abbaye De St Bavon, Ghent, Flandre Orientale, Belgium d.3 FEB 1398/99 in Leicester Castle, Leicester, Leicestershire, England

- b.~ 1373 d.16 MAR 1409/10

- b.1350 in Of, Picardy, Somme, France d.10 May 1403 in ,Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England

- b.1404 d.22 May 1455 in St. Albans, Devonshire, England

- b.1354 in ,Upholand, Lancashire, England d.25 Apr 1397 in Of, Woodstock, Kent, England

- b.~ 1370 d.30 Dec 1439

- d.1474

- d.22 JAN 1405/06

- b.1407 in Eddegenoch d.4 MAR 1465/66

- b.JAN 1352/53 d.13 Jul 1417

- b.1359 in Kingston Lisle, England d.20 MAR 1391/92 in probably England
- d.1532

- b.~ 1310 in Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England d.>Jul 1378

- b.< 1341 in Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England d.>08 Sep 1403

- b.1324 in Warkworth, Banbury, Northamptonshire, England d.1371

- b.~ 1383 in Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England d.~Dec 1441 in La Mote, Maidstone, Kent, England

- b.~ 1355 in Swanbourne, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, England d.>Aug 1401

- b.~ 1405 in La Mote, Maidstone, Kent, England d.12 Aug 1469 in Executed After Battle Of Edgecot, Buckinghamshire, England

- b.~ 1314 in Bedlisgate, Northamptonshire, England

- b.~ 1350 in Of Knighteston, Over Gabriel, & Maidencombe, Devonshire, England d.31 Dec 1388

- b.~ 1385 in Knighteston, Devonshire, England d.>17 Jul 1448

- b.~ 1325 in Lillesdon, Somerset, England d.< 1396

- b.~ 1360 in Lillesdon, Somerset, England d.< 1388

- b.~ 1335 in White Lackington, Somerset, England d.AFT MAR 1384/85

- b.< 1458 d.1497

- b.~ 1330 in Luxemburg d.22 Aug 1371 in Battle Of Baesweider

- b.~ 1370 in Luxemburg d.02 Jul 1397 in Italy

- b.~ 1335 in Chatillon-Sur-Marne, Marne, Champagne, France d.>27 Aug 1371

- b.~ 1390 in Naples, Italy d.31 Aug 1433 in Chateau Rambures, Oisemont, France

- b.~ 1340 in Brienne, Champagne, France d.17 MAR 1393/94 in Convero, Apulia, Italy

- b.~ 1370 in Brienne, Champagne, France d.>19 Sep 1393

- b.~ 1345 in Marsico, Naples, Italy d.> 1393

- b.1415 in St Pol, Artois, France d.30 May 1472

- b.~ 1300 in Andria, Bari, Apulia, Italy d.<31 Oct 1347 in Naples, Italy

- b.~ 1340 in Andria, Bari, Apulia, Italy d.1404

- b.~ 1305 in France d.> 1334

- b.1394 in Andria, Bari, Apulia, Italy d.14 Nov 1469

- b.27 Aug 1331 in Nola, Italy d.AFT 14 FEB 1398/99

- b.~ 1360 in Nola, Italy d.> 1422

- b.~ 1335 in Italy d.> 1379