- b.~ 0906 in of Normandy d.0943

- b.~ 0943 d.~ 0980

- b.~ 0980 d.~ 1018

- b. in 1st Baron De Bohun d.1113

- b.~ 0893 in Normandy, France d.17 DEC 942 in Picardy, France

- b.28 AUG 933 in Of, Normandy, France d.20 NOV 996 in ,Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France

- b.~ 0911 in Bretagne, France d.< 0940

- b.0949 in 1st or 2nd Earl, illeg. d.0986

- b.~ 0935 in Normandy, France

- b.0986

- b.0928 in Normandy, France d.0960 in AKA Torfin, Seigeur de Torraille

- b.~ 0951 d. in assassinated

- b.~ 0932 in ancestress of Harcourt family in England, ancestors of d.~ 1000 in George Washington, President

- b.~ 0995 d.0986

- b.0962 in Normandy, France d.1023

- b.~ 0963 in sister of Turstain, of Montfort d. in see notes for description of ARMS
- b.1075 in 2nd Baron, Glouvestor, Eng. d.1129