- b.0863 d. in Normandy, France

- b.~ 0904 in Normandy France d.~ 0955

- b.0870 d. in Normandy, France

- b.0928 in Normandy, France d.0960 in AKA Torfin, Seigeur de Torraille

- b.~ 0818 in Vermandois, Normandy, France d.0848 in Milan, Italy

- b.0848 in Vermandois Neustria d.0902 in MURDERED

- b.~ 0820 in France d.BET 850 AND 900

- b.~ 0911 in Bretagne, France d.< 0940

- b.0835

- b.~ 0862 in Bar-le-Duc (France) d.0908 in St. Quentin - Widow of Herbert

- b.~ 0951 d. in assassinated

- b.~ 0874 in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway

- b.0909 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway d.> 0919 in Earl of Orkneys and Maer Norway 920

- b.~ 0874 in AKA Emina

- b.0936 in Normandy, -----------------see notes d. in living in 10th cent.

- b.~ 0880 d.> 0942

- b.~ 0890 in Tillieres, Normandy, France

- b.0892

- b.~ 0932 in ancestress of Harcourt family in England, ancestors of d.~ 1000 in George Washington, President
- b.~ 0995 d.0986

- b.~ 0874 in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway

- b.0909 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway d.> 0919 in Earl of Orkneys and Maer Norway 920

- b.~ 0874 in AKA Emina

- b.0936 in Normandy, -----------------see notes d. in living in 10th cent.

- b.~ 0880 d.> 0942

- b.~ 0890 in Tillieres, Normandy, France

- b.0892

- b.0962 in Normandy, France d.1023

- b.~ 0963 in sister of Turstain, of Montfort d. in see notes for description of ARMS