[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 DATE ABT 1496
2 PLAC in Stradbroke, Suffolk, Eng
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2 DATE 1556
2 PLAC in Stradbroke, Suffolk, Eng
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
New England Genealogical and Historical Register, April, 1997, English Ancestry of Joshua and Anthony Fisher, p. 186
William Bert was born say 1496, probably at Stradbroke, Suffolk. He died between 2 March 1555/6, the date of his will, and 6 November 1556, when it was probated. At the writing of his father's will, in April 1519, he was a bachelor, but probably within a couple of years, say in 1521, he married, first Johan Godbold. He married second, at Stradbroke 25 June 1541, Agnes Borrett, who was born say 1520 and was buried 13 March 1566/7 at Stradbroke, daughter of Henry and Alice (Cowper) Borrett.
Agnes's maternal grandfather, Henry (Herry) Cowper of Stradbroke, in his will (dated 22 February 1530/31, proved 20 October 1532) named daughter Alice, wife of Henry Borrett, and their sons Henry, Jeffrey, Lewis, William, Allen, and Simon. Agnes's father, Henry (Harry) Borrett (or Brett) of stradbroke, in his will (dated 7 February 1555/6 and proved 8 December 1558) named sons William, Lewis, Allen, Simon, and Jeffrey, and son in law William Bert. Agnes Bert, widow of Stradbroke, in her own will (dated 25 March 1560 and proved 10 April 1567) named daughters Johane, Mary, and Anne, as well as brothers Jeffrey Borrett, Allen Borrett, and Simon Borrett.
With his first wife, Johane Godbold, William had at least six children, one of whom died young. Baptisms have been found for five children with his second wife, Agnes Borrett. Two of these died young.
From his father, William inherited Bukks in Stradbroke and other houses and lands in Stradbroke, Hoxne, and WIlby. His own will indicates that he added to these holdings. His household included men servants and women servants. He gave generous legacies to his eight living children and others.
His devotion to God is reflected in the preamble of his will: I bequethe and com'ende my sowle to the infenyte mercye of almightie god moste humblye besechynge hym to place the same in the seate and companye of his moste dere and electe assuredlye also trustinge to be one of the same.
His mortal concern extended to needy neighbors, and for them he specified: ...to the pore people dwellinge within Stradbroke aforsayde orels where beinge at my buriall to everye of them at the daye of my buriall one penneye and a cantell of chese and a lofe of breade orels if it be in lente tyme an herynge and a lofe of breade and sufficiente drinke for the same pore people.
Thinking that he might not pass away in or near his own village he added,: And if it shall happen that I shall not dye within fyve myles of Stradbroke then I will and bequeathe to the pore people of the same towne wherein I shall fortune to departe owte of this presente lief v of moneye to be distributed and devided amonge them.
William bequeathed his lands as follows:
1...to Agnes my wief (the tenement) wherin I dwell with all the lands medowes and pastures therunto belonginge & nexte adjoynynge to the sayde ten'te in Stradbroke, for terme of her naturall lief, upon condic'on that she do not any strippe or waste, and also kepe her selfe sole and unmaried, and inhabite and dwell therin. (After her) decease, or condic'ons broken (the said tenement should go to William's son Roger).
2...to Roger Berte my eldeste sone, Also, my pastures called Theltons together with all the londs medowes woods pastures fedynges rents and wayes bothe copye and free com'onlie called Theltons, in Stradbrooke Hoxne and Horh'm, Also, my ten'e Goodwins with syxtene acres of copye londe medowes fedings and pastures therto belonginge, in Stradbrooke and Horh'm.
3...to Henrye Berte my sone my ten'te newlye buylded whiche he dwelleth in, in Stradbroke with all the londs medowes fedyngs pastures woods rents and wayes belonginge, in Stradbroke Horh'm Hoxne and Chekeryn, (also) all those londs medowes fedyings pastures woods rents and wayes in Stradbroke Horh'm and Hoxne whiche I latelye bowghte of Nicholas Fyrmage com'only called Horh'm close otherwise Horh'm felde, Also, two pightells called the Callowe pightells as they lye enclosed together in Stradbroke.
4...to Roberte my sone my ten'te Bucks with all the londs medowes fedings pastures wood Rents servic and wayes, in Stradbroke and Wilbye.
5...unto Will'm Berte my sone, my ten'ts londs and pastures thereto belonge as they lye...the (illegible) parke of the churche waye lendinge from Wooton grene to Stradbroke churche, in Stradbroke, Also, my pasture or medowe called the Callowe, in Stradbroke between the londes somtyme Richarde Fyrmage of greate yarmouthe towards the southe and the londs of Thomas Huntingfilde towards the Northe and it buttethe upon the waye called Owtfelde waye towards the Easte, (and) free chase and rechase, to go and dryve his cattall directlye throughe the home close or pasture of my house wherin I nowe dwell.
Apparently the values of the bequeathed lands varied, and to even out the legacies William directed that three of his sons, after entry into their inheritances, pay amounts (over periods of time) to other family members. To widow Agnes, Roger was to pay yearly 40s, whereas Henry and Robert should each pay during her life L3. To their brother William, Roger and Robert should each pay a total of L30, and Henry should pay L40. To their sisters Johan, Anne, and Mary, the three sons should pay L20, part at marriage and part when each of the young women reaced the age of 22 years.
William bequeathed specific livestock as follows: ...to Agnes my wief syxe of the beste of my keyne in my deyrie at her choyse, my mulling(?) colte of the coloure of a sadde sorrell...to Roger Henrye and Roberte my sones, my other horses colts and geldings not before bequeathed...to my childrens children beinge my godchildren to everye of them on ferneringe calfe...to the resydewe of my childrens children v each...to Roberte my sone tene of my beste mylche keyne to be taken nexte after my wiefs choyse...to Margerie Johan Ane and Marie my dowgters to everie of them a cowe...to Roger Henrie and Roberte my sones all my other kynde of beastes.
William directed that...my cupborde and my framed(?) table standinge in my hall shall remayne and gowithe the howse continuallye,...my posted bedstede with the hanginges therunto belonginge and the trundle bedde with my square table fowlte beinge in my parlor shall continuallye stande and be therin...the residewe of all my housholde stuffe implements and utensiles, shalbe evenlye devided and sette in thre parts, one of the sayede thre parts to my sayde wief, at her choyse, the other two parts evenle devided amons my fowre sones...(To sons Roger, Henrie, and Roberte) my carts carte harnesses plowghe and plowghe harnesses two payre of harrowes one trumbrell and a payre of trendles with all other necessaries to them belonginge...all my carne and malte, shall remayne to my wief Roger Henrie and Roberte my sones to be evenlye devyded amongs them. (His four sons should have) all my apparrell belonginge to my bodye as well lynnen as wollen and other apparrell...evenlye devided amongs (them).
To wife Agnes, William gave L10 in money, and he dircted that "my sayde wief shall not travell ryde or go owte of the countie of Suff"--if she did so, she forfeited her legacies. As well, William directed that "Agnes my wief shall have all the profights and issues of all my londs and tent's and mylche keyne for and towards the kepinge and maynten'nce of hospytalitie and howse unyll the feaste of saincte Michaell tharchangell nexte after my decease with the whiche I will and require my sayde wief to kepe all the mene servaunts and women servaunts whiche shalbe in my howse the daye of my dethe untyll the sayde feaste."
William appointed sons Roger, Henry, and Robert as executors and gave them two additional instructions:
1. "I will that my executors or ther executors shall bringe uppe and vertuouslye educate with civilitie and good nurture Johan Ane and Marie my dowghters untyll they shalbe of thage of syxtene yers with sufficient meate drinke and clothes. And after thage of xvi yeres I will they shall paye to everie one of the sayde Johan Ane and Marye untyll they come to the age of twenty yeres vi viii."
2. "my executors shall bargayne and sell unto Richard Grenlinge of Stradbroke thelder, accordinge to the laste will and testa'te of John Pype late of Stradbroke deceased all those ten'ts called Pypes with all the lands ten'ts in Stradbroke Hoxne and Wyngfeld whiche wer the sayde John Pypes." (The only John Pype will that seems to fit this is that of John Pype of Stradbroke, dated 23 January 1533/4, proved 12 June 1542. The will contains no specific instructions about sale of lands, but William Berte is one of the executors.)
Witnesses to William's will included "Thomas Tower Roberte Brocke John Wells Thomas Harvye and others." A memorandum states that on 25 July 3 & 4 Philip and Mary (1556), "Will'm Berte...dyd surrender all his londs and tent's holden of the manor or Horh'm Counts and Horh'm Brodocke into the hands of Thomas Kente gent in the presence of John Gyrlinge and Sr(?) Leonerde Sewall tenn'ts of the same manors And lykewise the same daye he surrendred all his londs and ten'ts holden of the manor of Thorphall into the hands of Roberte Brocke in the presence of John Wells Thomas Harvye and others."[daveanthes.FTW]
William Bert b: Abt 1496 in Stradbroke, , Suffolk, Eng
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
ID: I39965
Name: William Bert
Given Name: William
Surname: Bert
Sex: M
Birth: Abt 1496 in Stradbroke, , Suffolk, Eng
Death: 1556 in Stradbroke, , Suffolk, Eng
Change Date: 21 Nov 2002 at 14:11
!s-NEG 151-182
w-2 mar 1555/6; prob 6 nov 1556
Father: Robert Bert b: Abt 1465 in Stradbroke, , Suffolk, Eng
Mother: Margaret Richman
Marriage 1 Johan Godbold
Married: Abt 1521
Change Date: 9 Dec 2002
Robert Bert b: 1522 in , , Suffolk, Eng
Henry Bert b: 1524 in , , Suffolk, Eng
William Bert b: 1528
Margaret Margery Joan Bert b: 1530 in Stradbrook, Suffolk, Eng
Johanna Bert b: 1532
Marriage 2 Agnes Barrett
Married: 25 Jun 1541
Change Date: 9 Dec 2002