[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 DATE ABT 1465
2 PLAC in Stradbroke, Suffolk, Eng
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2 DATE MAY 1519
2 PLAC in Stradbroke, Suffolk, Eng
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
New England Genealogical and Historical Register, April, 1997, The Bert Ancestors, In England, Of Fisher Families In Early New England.
Two generations of the maternal ancestors of Margery Bert, the wife of William Fisher, have been identified. William and Margery (Bert) Fisher are the grandparents of brothers Joshua and Anthony Fisher who settled in New England.
Robert Bert, born say 1465, lived in Stradbroke, in the north of Suffolk, England. He died between 20 April 1519, when he prepared his will, and 7 June 1519, when it was proved. He was probably married twice, but the name of his first wife has not been learned. His second wife was Margaret, possibly Richman. Robert appointed William Richman a supervisor to his will, and son William Bert in his 1555 will named Thomas Richman his "godfather" and William Richman a "cosen." Richman wills have been read in an effort to find a connection, but without success. One reason for thinking Robert married twice is that in his will he requested masses sung "for me my wif and all my fryends," although at that time he had a living wife.
Robert Bert named two children in his will, daughter Christian and son William. Christian was married, with a son, Robert, and "daughters." William was still a bachelor. Apparently born several years apart, these two children likely had different mothers. Robert bequeathed to each of Christian's daughters 10 marks (a mark had the value of 13s 4 d). Christian should have "my house at the church" for the term of her life, and after her death her son Robert should inherit it. If Robert happened to die before his mother, "she shall do w'i it what she will." Christian was also to receive "my second (second best) fether bed." Probably Robert had given Christian part of her inheritance when she married.
Robert gave to his wife Margaret, for her life, his tenement (farm) called Bukks, with all the lands thereto belonging, and also gave her the privilege of occupying my "parlour chamb'r botery and solere theron." This probably interprets as the parlor chamber (or main room), the buttery, and the cellar (attic) over the buttery. She could live here as long as she remained his widow ("sooll & unmaryde"), with "fre ingate and aotgate at all tyms." However, when son William married he was to have use of the rooms for eight days after his wedding. Robert specified that the hanging (curtain) on his bed in the parlor should remain with the bed, as should the round table.
Margaret could use them until she died or remarried. In either situation they should eventually "remayn to Will'm my son." Robert gave Margaret her choice of his three featherbeds, and she could "do w't that what she will." He also gave her, for life, "my beste chese pr'sse and a saltyng trowghe," but at her decease she was to "leve it satt ther to the use of Will'm my son." Margaret should have "all such stuff as was her own when she came to me suche as is my posessyon at the tyme of my decease," but she and son William should divide the livestock. Ten of the milk cows ("keen") were to be Margaret's, but she should choose one, then William one, continuing this way until she had her ten. Robert also gave her two heifers ("hekeferrs") and twelve ewe sheep. For four years after Robert's decease "Will'm my son shall delyv'r to Margaret my wif," each year, six bushels of wheat and six bushels of barley.
Robert gave 4d to each of his single godchildren, and 12d to Margery Goodman "at the daye of here mariege." Probably Margery was a servant in the household.
Robert specified that after his wife Margaret's decease the property called Bukks should belong to William and his heirs. William should also "have all my other howses and londs as well in Stradbrook & hoxne as in Wilbey." If William died without heirs, the houses and lands were to be sold.
Robert requested burial in the churchyard of Stradbroke, and at his burying he wished given to every person present--"man & woman & child"--a penny loaf and a cantle (slice) of cheese.
In accord with the custom of his time, Robert made several religioun-related bequests. He gave amounts to the high altars of Stradbroke (3s 4d), Hoxne (20d), Horham (12d), and Wilby (12d), indicating probable family ties to these parishes, although he might have remembered Hoxne and Wilby simply because he had property there. For six masses to be sung for himself, his wife, and all his friends, he designated 3s 4d. To have a trental (thirty masses on thirty consecutive days) sung for him and his friends by the White Friars of Norwich, and the same by the Gray Friars of Dunwich, he gave 10s to each place. He also requested that a priest "syng for me and my freynds" in the Stradbroke parish church for a "hooll yere." In addition to all this, son William "shal fynd yerely as longe as he leveth a yeretyde (anniversary religious celebration) for me and my freynds ons (once) in the yere w't'in the town of Stradbrook in lik man'r as my father bound me in his will." Search has been unsuccessful in finding a will recorded where a Bert father bound his son Robert in this same way.
Robert gave to son William all goods not bequeathed in the will, and also appointed William "my Attorney." He asked Thomas Bert (perhaps a brother) and William Richeman to be supervisors "and to help the said Will'm at such tymes as shalbe nedefull."[daveanthes.FTW]
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
ID: I39964
Name: Johan Godbold
Given Name: Johan
Surname: Godbold
Sex: F
Death: Abt 1540
Change Date: 21 Nov 2002 at 14:11
Marriage 1 William Bert b: Abt 1496 in Stradbroke, , Suffolk, Eng
Married: Abt 1521
Change Date: 9 Dec 2002
Robert Bert b: 1522 in , , Suffolk, Eng
Henry Bert b: 1524 in , , Suffolk, Eng
William Bert b: 1528
Margaret Margery Joan Bert b: 1530 in Stradbrook, Suffolk, Eng
Johanna Bert b: 1532
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
ID: I673
Name: Johan Godbold
Sex: F
Birth: ABT. 1500 in Suffolkshire, County Suffolk, England
Death: ABT. 1540 in Stradbroke, County Suffolk, England
Father: Roger Godbold b: 1473 in Dennington, County Suffolk, England
Mother: Margery b: ABT. 1473 in County Suffolk, England
Marriage 1 William Bert b: ABT. 1496 in County Suffolk, England
Married: ABT. 1521 in Stradbroke, County Suffolk, England
Margerie Bert b: ABT. 1530 in Stradbroke, County Suffolk, England