[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 257
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
EVEN Mayor of Austrasia and Neustria
TYPE Elected
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN of Clovis I the Riparian
TYPE Descendant
PLAC Frankish Kingdom
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:29:20
GIVN Pepin II d'
SURN Heristal
NSFX [Mayor/Palace]
!Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2 Hewas
incorrectly called Pepin of Heristal or Herstal. About 678 he led thenobles o
Austrasia against Ebroin, Mayor of the palace, and Neustria. Hisvictory at th
battle of Tertry in 687 marked the downfall of the Merovingians,although they
still held the title of kings. He ruled under four of them. Hefought the
Frisians and after defeating their duke, Radbod, brought them withinthe
Christian church. He likewise defended his frontiers against theBavarians and
Alammani. He also had at least one concubine.
Tab, Gen Souv, France 22, Tab III Keiser Und Koenig Hist.
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman
p. E- 30, # 29.
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
He was Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited theFrankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson ofPepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom ofAustrasia around
680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to theother Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retainedmembers of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in allthree. Two years later he
extended his control over theFrisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin'sdeath was followed by a civil war and the succession of hisillegitimate son Charles Martel. Merged General
Note: Pepin ofHerstal was born in 635. Died on 16 Dec 714. Pepin of Herstal(635?-714), Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited theFrankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson
ofPepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom ofAustrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to theother Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retainedmembers
of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in allthree. Two years later he extended his control over theFrisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin'sdeath was followed by a
civil war and the succession of hisillegitimate son Charles Martel. He married Alpais.--Other FieldsRef Number: +
DATE 14 MAR 1999
GIVN Pbepin Mayor Of The Palace Of
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
! MARRIAGE: Pepin and Plectrude were finally married 13 May 706 after all
three of their children were born.
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: 8 Oct 1993 JRIVE. IGI 1994 Edition,
Film # 1903682
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: Prior records show this was done for Pliectrude 30 Jun 1937.
! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black is 35th & 40th G G Son.
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
NSFX , Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis
PERI Ancestral Roots
EDTN 7th
PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999)
TEXT 190-10
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 173-43
DATE 11 MAY 2000
Would you like a CD with all of the current information on my family. If so, send me an email and I will give you my address where you can send $10.00 to cover my expense of sending you a CD with all of the information here and pictures.
If you have information relating to our tree, then please email me at jcrunk@@bellsouth.net. I will be very interested in what you have and adding it to my tree.
I have had several request to remove some individuals, unfortunatly, I have lost those request due to a computer crash. If you will please send my those request again, I will remove them on my next update. For now please accept my appologies.
John Crunk[Spare.FTW]
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
EVEN Mayor of Austrasia and Neustria
TYPE Elected
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN of Clovis I the Riparian
TYPE Descendant
PLAC Frankish Kingdom
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:29:20
GIVN Pepin II d'
SURN Heristal
NSFX [Mayor/Palace]
!Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2 Hewas
incorrectly called Pepin of Heristal or Herstal. About 678 he led thenobles o
Austrasia against Ebroin, Mayor of the palace, and Neustria. Hisvictory at th
battle of Tertry in 687 marked the downfall of the Merovingians,although they
still held the title of kings. He ruled under four of them. Hefought the
Frisians and after defeating their duke, Radbod, brought them withinthe
Christian church. He likewise defended his frontiers against theBavarians and
Alammani. He also had at least one concubine.
Tab, Gen Souv, France 22, Tab III Keiser Und Koenig Hist.
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman
p. E- 30, # 29.
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
He was Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited theFrankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson ofPepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom ofAustrasia around
680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to theother Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retainedmembers of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in allthree. Two years later he
extended his control over theFrisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin'sdeath was followed by a civil war and the succession of hisillegitimate son Charles Martel. Merged General
Note: Pepin ofHerstal was born in 635. Died on 16 Dec 714. Pepin of Herstal(635?-714), Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited theFrankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson
ofPepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom ofAustrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to theother Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retainedmembers
of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in allthree. Two years later he extended his control over theFrisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin'sdeath was followed by a
civil war and the succession of hisillegitimate son Charles Martel. He married Alpais.--Other FieldsRef Number: +
DATE 14 MAR 1999
GIVN Pbepin Mayor Of The Palace Of
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
! MARRIAGE: Pepin and Plectrude were finally married 13 May 706 after all
three of their children were born.
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: 8 Oct 1993 JRIVE. IGI 1994 Edition,
Film # 1903682
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: Prior records show this was done for Pliectrude 30 Jun 1937.
! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black is 35th & 40th G G Son.
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
NSFX , Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis
PERI Ancestral Roots
EDTN 7th
PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999)
TEXT 190-10
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 173-43
DATE 11 MAY 2000
Would you like a CD with all of the current information on my family. If so, send me an email and I will give you my address where you can send $10.00 to cover my expense of sending you a CD with all of the information here and pictures.
If you have information relating to our tree, then please email me at jcrunk@@bellsouth.net. I will be very interested in what you have and adding it to my tree.
I have had several request to remove some individuals, unfortunatly, I have lost those request due to a computer crash. If you will please send my those request again, I will remove them on my next update. For now please accept my appologies.
John Crunk[Spare.FTW]
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
EVEN Mayor of Austrasia and Neustria
TYPE Elected
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN of Clovis I the Riparian
TYPE Descendant
PLAC Frankish Kingdom
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:29:20
GIVN Pepin II d'
SURN Heristal
NSFX [Mayor/Palace]
!Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2 Hewas
incorrectly called Pepin of Heristal or Herstal. About 678 he led thenobles o
Austrasia against Ebroin, Mayor of the palace, and Neustria. Hisvictory at th
battle of Tertry in 687 marked the downfall of the Merovingians,although they
still held the title of kings. He ruled under four of them. Hefought the
Frisians and after defeating their duke, Radbod, brought them withinthe
Christian church. He likewise defended his frontiers against theBavarians and
Alammani. He also had at least one concubine.
Tab, Gen Souv, France 22, Tab III Keiser Und Koenig Hist.
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman
p. E- 30, # 29.
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM;
members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714;
www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - http://misc.traveller.com/genealo gy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Royal.zip (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dignities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - http://al7fl.abts.net/green-pag e/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH
He was Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited theFrankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson ofPepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom ofAustrasia around
680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to theother Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retainedmembers of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in allthree. Two years later he
extended his control over theFrisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin'sdeath was followed by a civil war and the succession of hisillegitimate son Charles Martel. Merged General
Note: Pepin ofHerstal was born in 635. Died on 16 Dec 714. Pepin of Herstal(635?-714), Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited theFrankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson
ofPepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom ofAustrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to theother Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retainedmembers
of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in allthree. Two years later he extended his control over theFrisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin'sdeath was followed by a
civil war and the succession of hisillegitimate son Charles Martel. He married Alpais.--Other FieldsRef Number: +
DATE 14 MAR 1999