[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
GIVN Pepin I Mayor_of
SURN Palace
NSFX [The Elder]
!Colonial and Revolutinary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman p.
E- 30,
Mayor of the Palace of the Merovingian King, Dagobert I of Austrasia.
Also known as Pippin von Lander.
OCCU Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
RELI Sources: Microsoft Encarta 1994 ed.Pepin the Elder (circa 580-639), founder of the Carolingiandynasty. A noble of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia, Pepin,also known as Pepin of Landen, joined
with Arnulf (circa582-641), bishop of Metz, in the struggle to overthrow Brunhild,queen of Austrasia, in 613, and subsequently governed thekingdom as mayor of the palace for Brunhild's
successor,Clotaire II (circa 584-629). Pepin's descendants remaineddominant in Austrasia, and in the following century displacedthe Merovingians as the royal house of the Franks.--Other FieldsRef
Number: +Pepin of Landen, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia, d. c. 640
DATE 24 MAY 1999
GIVN Pepin Mayor Of The Palace Of
AFN 9GC9-81
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 11 SEP 2000
TIME 01:00:00
GIVN Pepin Mayor de Landen
SURN Austrasia
! SEALED TO PARENTS: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760922.
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760966.
! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 37th G G Son.
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
NSFX [de Landen]
AFN 9GC9-81
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
EVEN Mayor of the Palace
TYPE Appointed
DATE 628
EVEN to King Dagobert of Austrasia
TYPE Counselor
DATE BET 628 AND 639
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:56:10[Spare.FTW]
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
GIVN Pepin I Mayor_of
SURN Palace
NSFX [The Elder]
!Colonial and Revolutinary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman p.
E- 30,
Mayor of the Palace of the Merovingian King, Dagobert I of Austrasia.
Also known as Pippin von Lander.
OCCU Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
RELI Sources: Microsoft Encarta 1994 ed.Pepin the Elder (circa 580-639), founder of the Carolingiandynasty. A noble of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia, Pepin,also known as Pepin of Landen, joined
with Arnulf (circa582-641), bishop of Metz, in the struggle to overthrow Brunhild,queen of Austrasia, in 613, and subsequently governed thekingdom as mayor of the palace for Brunhild's
successor,Clotaire II (circa 584-629). Pepin's descendants remaineddominant in Austrasia, and in the following century displacedthe Merovingians as the royal house of the Franks.--Other FieldsRef
Number: +Pepin of Landen, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia, d. c. 640
DATE 24 MAY 1999
GIVN Pepin Mayor Of The Palace Of
AFN 9GC9-81
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 11 SEP 2000
TIME 01:00:00
GIVN Pepin Mayor de Landen
SURN Austrasia
! SEALED TO PARENTS: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760922.
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760966.
! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 37th G G Son.
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
NSFX [de Landen]
AFN 9GC9-81
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
EVEN Mayor of the Palace
TYPE Appointed
DATE 628
EVEN to King Dagobert of Austrasia
TYPE Counselor
DATE BET 628 AND 639
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:56:10[Spare.FTW]
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
GIVN Pepin I Mayor_of
SURN Palace
NSFX [The Elder]
!Colonial and Revolutinary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman p.
E- 30,
Mayor of the Palace of the Merovingian King, Dagobert I of Austrasia.
Also known as Pippin von Lander.
OCCU Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
RELI Sources: Microsoft Encarta 1994 ed.Pepin the Elder (circa 580-639), founder of the Carolingiandynasty. A noble of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia, Pepin,also known as Pepin of Landen, joined
with Arnulf (circa582-641), bishop of Metz, in the struggle to overthrow Brunhild,queen of Austrasia, in 613, and subsequently governed thekingdom as mayor of the palace for Brunhild's
successor,Clotaire II (circa 584-629). Pepin's descendants remaineddominant in Austrasia, and in the following century displacedthe Merovingians as the royal house of the Franks.--Other FieldsRef
Number: +Pepin of Landen, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia, d. c. 640
DATE 24 MAY 1999
GIVN Pepin Mayor Of The Palace Of
AFN 9GC9-81
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 11 SEP 2000
TIME 01:00:00
GIVN Pepin Mayor de Landen
SURN Austrasia
! SEALED TO PARENTS: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760922.
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760966.
! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 37th G G Son.
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
NSFX [de Landen]
AFN 9GC9-81
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
EVEN Mayor of the Palace
TYPE Appointed
DATE 628
EVEN to King Dagobert of Austrasia
TYPE Counselor
DATE BET 628 AND 639
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:56:10[Spare.FTW]
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
OCCU M. de Landen ...
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596 says Landen, Liege; www.rootsweb.com/gumby
says ABT 591, Landen, Liege, Belgium; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says
ABT 591;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 585;
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby says 639;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says 639;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 21 Feb 638/39, France;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 191
PAGE 5,10
Major Domus en Austrasia of Landen - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1596; Pepin of
Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 191; He may have born "Abt 600". Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
(617-639). Also known as Pepin of Landen. Major Domus in Austrasia -
GIVN Pepin I Mayor_of
SURN Palace
NSFX [The Elder]
!Colonial and Revolutinary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman p.
E- 30,
Mayor of the Palace of the Merovingian King, Dagobert I of Austrasia.
Also known as Pippin von Lander.
OCCU Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
RELI Sources: Microsoft Encarta 1994 ed.Pepin the Elder (circa 580-639), founder of the Carolingiandynasty. A noble of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia, Pepin,also known as Pepin of Landen, joined
with Arnulf (circa582-641), bishop of Metz, in the struggle to overthrow Brunhild,queen of Austrasia, in 613, and subsequently governed thekingdom as mayor of the palace for Brunhild's
successor,Clotaire II (circa 584-629). Pepin's descendants remaineddominant in Austrasia, and in the following century displacedthe Merovingians as the royal house of the Franks.--Other FieldsRef
Number: +Pepin of Landen, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia, d. c. 640
DATE 24 MAY 1999
GIVN Pepin Mayor Of The Palace Of
AFN 9GC9-81
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 11 SEP 2000
TIME 01:00:00
GIVN Pepin Mayor de Landen
SURN Austrasia
! SEALED TO PARENTS: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760922.
! SEALED TO SPOUSE: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760966.
! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 37th G G Son.
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
NSFX Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 260-46
DATE 11 MAY 2000
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
NSFX [de Landen]
AFN 9GC9-81
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 628 AND 639
EVEN Mayor of the Palace
TYPE Appointed
DATE 628
EVEN to King Dagobert of Austrasia
TYPE Counselor
DATE BET 628 AND 639
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:56:10