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Female Rotrude Duchess Of AUSTRASIA Click to view Rotrude Duchess Of AUSTRASIA in the family tree

Rotrude Duchess Of was born in 0695 in Trier/Treves (Rhine Valley).1   Rotrude Duchess Of's father was Lieven Liutwin Leutwinus and her mother was Daughter II Of.  Her paternal grandparents were Warinus De Poitiers and Kunza Of Metz; her maternal grandparents were Chancellor Of Neustria Chrodobertus and Doda Poiters. She had a brother and a sister, named Gui and Chotrude of.  She was the second oldest of the three children.  She died about 0724 in France (Aka Chroutrud) - Wife of Charles Martel.1 

Rotrude Duchess Of's family with Charles Martel Mayor Austrasia

‌Rotrude Duchess Of and Charles Martel Mayor were married in a religious ceremony in Germany.1   They had three sons and two daughters, named Bernard I of, Carloman Prince of, Pepin The Short, Childtrude Hiltrude Duchess and Landree De Le.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
160010.GED, daveanthes.FTW, daveanthes.FTW, Spare.FTW, 160010.GED, Spare.FTW, Spare.FTW

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