[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
DATE 3 MAY 2000
NPFX Count
OCCU Chancelor for King Clothar III
RELI Sources: Zerbst (AOL user). "Capet: The Royal House of Francel Foote, Elizabeth Deming and Hugh Gay.Chancelor for King Clothar III; was made a count 678.--Other FieldsRef Number: +
RELG @@N1472@@
DATE 9 FEB 1999
OCCU Nobleman in Istria...
SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 678
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 126
Chrodobertus (Robert) II; majordomo of King Chlodwig II, Count Palatine,
Chancelor of King Chlothar III of Neustria - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick
W. Stuart, p. 126
[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
DATE 3 MAY 2000
NPFX Count
OCCU Chancelor for King Clothar III
RELI Sources: Zerbst (AOL user). "Capet: The Royal House of Francel Foote, Elizabeth Deming and Hugh Gay.Chancelor for King Clothar III; was made a count 678.--Other FieldsRef Number: +
RELG @@N1472@@
DATE 9 FEB 1999
OCCU Nobleman in Istria...
SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 678
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 126
Chrodobertus (Robert) II; majordomo of King Chlodwig II, Count Palatine,
Chancelor of King Chlothar III of Neustria - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick
W. Stuart, p. 126
OCCU Nobleman in Istria...
SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 678
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 126
Chrodobertus (Robert) II; majordomo of King Chlodwig II, Count Palatine,
Chancelor of King Chlothar III of Neustria - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick
W. Stuart, p. 126