- b.1090 in Hertford, Herfordshire & Clare, Suffolk, England d.15 Apr 1136 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales

- b.1116 in Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England d.1173 in Oxfordshire, England

- b.~ 1098 in Hertford, Herfordshire & Clare, Suffolk, England d.> 1142

- b.1162 in Tunbridge Castle,Kent,England d.30 Dec 1218

- b.~ 1105 in Harcourt,Eure,Normandy,France d.~ 1154 in Field Dalling,Norfolk,England

- b.1132 in Burkenham,Norfolk,England d.24 Dec 1193 in Norfolk,England

- b.1099

- b.1182 in Hertford Castle,Hertfordshire,England d.25 Oct 1230 in Penros,Brittany,France

- b.~ 1090 in Caen,Normandy,France d.31 Oct 1147 in Bristol,Gloucestershire,England

- b.~23 Nov 1116 in Gloucestershire,England d.23 Nov 1183

- b.~ 1094 in Gloucestershire,England d.1157 in Bristol,Gloucestershire,England

- b.1160 in Tewkesbury,Gloucestershire,England d.1 Jan 1224/1225

- b.1104 in Leicester,Leicestershire,England d.05 Apr 1168 in England

- b.1124 in Leicester,Leicestershire,England d.24 Apr 1197

- b.~ 1108 in Norfolk,England

- b.04 Aug 1222 in Gloucestershire,England d.15 Jul 1262 in Ashenfield Manor,Waltham,Kent,England

- b.~ 1075 in Somersetshire,England d.< 1130

- b.~ 1105 in Pembroke,Pembrokeshire,Wales d.Bet. 1164 - 1165

- b.Bet. 1077 - 1096 in Pembroke,Pembrokeshire,Wales

- b.Bet. 1144 - 1146 in Pembroke,Pembrokeshire,Wales d.14 May 1219 in Caversham Manor,England

- b.~ 1100 in Salisbury,Wiltshire,England d.1147

- b.~ 1139 in Pembroke,Pembrokeshire,Wales d.03 Jun

- b.1108 in Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England d.1147 in Near The Choir, Bradenstoke, Wiltshire, England

- b.09 Oct 1200 in Pembroke,Pembrokeshire,Wales d.17 Jan 1239/1240 in Berkshirehamstead,Hertfordshire,England

- b.21 Sep 1100 in Tunbridge, Kent, England d.1149 in England

- b.1125 in Tunbridge, Kent, England d.20 Apr 1176 in Dublin,Ireland

- b.1086 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England d.~ 1147

- b.~ 1172 in Pembroke,Pembrokeshire,Wales d.1220 in Pembroke,Pembrokeshire,Wales

- b.~ 1111 in Ireland d.01 May 1171 in Ireland

- b.~ 1141 in Ireland d.1177

- b.1114 in Ireland d.1191
- b.1240 d.1271

- b.~ 1128 in Halton Castle,Skipton,Yorkshire,England d.1157 in Halton Castle,Skipton,Yorkshire,England

- b.~ 1104 in Clavering,Essex,England d.11 Oct 1190 in Palestine

- b.~ 1128 in Lincolnshireoln,Lincolnhire,England d.> 1193 in Halton Castle,Skipton,Yorkshire,England

- b.~ 1171 in Lincolnshireoln,Lincolnshire,England d.1211

- b.~ 1062 in Great Waltham,Essex,England d.14 Sep 1144 in Suffolk,England

- b.~ 1134 in Rycott,Oxfordshire,England d.DECEASED

- b.~ 1109 in Hedingham,Essex,England d.>21 Oct 1166 in England

- b.1192 in Lincolnshireoln,Lincolnshire,England d.22 Jul 1240 in Stanlaw,Cheshire,England

- b.1116 in Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England d.1173 in Oxfordshire, England

- b.1162 in Tunbridge Castle,Kent,England d.30 Dec 1218

- b.1132 in Burkenham,Norfolk,England d.24 Dec 1193 in Norfolk,England

- b.~ 1180 in Lincolnshireoln,Lincolnshire,England d.1213

- b.~23 Nov 1116 in Gloucestershire,England d.23 Nov 1183

- b.1160 in Tewkesbury,Gloucestershire,England d.1 Jan 1224/1225

- b.1124 in Leicester,Leicestershire,England d.24 Apr 1197

- b.~ 1223 in Lincolnshireoln,Lincolnshire,England d.BEF 10 Mar 1288/1289

- b.~ 1120 in Bushby, Nham, England. d.1198 in England

- b.1155 in Wincheshire, Hampshire, England. d.03 Nov 1219 in Damietta, Egypt on way to Holy Land

- b.~ 1133 in Leuchars, Fife, Scot. d.1181

- b.1174 in WinCheshire, Hampshire, England d.25 Apr 1264 in Braelkey,Scotland

- b.1130 in Leicester. Leicestershire, England d.31 Aug 1190 in Durazzo, Greece

- b.1154 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England d.12 Jan 1233/1234

- b.1134 in Leicester. Leicestershire, England d.01 Apr 1212

- b.1218 in WinCheshire,Hampshire,England d.1280 in Clerkenwell,England

- b.~ 1164 in Galloway,Perthshire,Scotland d.Dec 1200 in Northamptonshire,England

- b.~ 1186 in Galloway,Wigtownshire,Scotland d.1234 in Kirchudbrightshire,Scotland

- b.1153 in Kirkoswald,Cumberland,England d.11 Jun 1217 in Dundren Abbey,Kirkcudbright,Scotland

- b.1193 in Carrick,Ayreshire,Scotland d.21 Nov 1264 in Brackley,England

- b.~ 1148 in Morven,Argyle,Scotland d.1207 in Kintyre,Argyle,Scotland

- b.~ 1174 in Isle Of Man, Skye, Scotland d.1212

- b.~ 1145 in Moray,Scotland