- b.~ 1148 in of,Crawford,Lanarkshire,Scotland d.~ 1200

- b.~ 1182 in of,Crawford,Lanarkshire,England

- b.~ 1124 in of,Pirton,Hertfordshire,England

- b.~ 1203 in of Luffness,Aberlady,East Lothian,Scotland

- b.~ 1185 in of Luffness,Aberlady,East Lothian,Scotland

- b.~ 1235 in of,Breneville,Ayrshire,Scotland d.< 1279 in ,,,Egypt

- b.~ 1215 in of,Breneville,Ayrshire,Scotland

- b.~ 1267 in .,Breneville,Ayrshire,Scotland d.> 1308

- b.~ 1172 in of Luffness,Aberlady,East Lothian,Scotland d.~ 1221

- b.~ 1198 d.~ 1247

- b.~ 1231 in of Lamberton,Mordington,Berwickshire,Scotland d.02 Nov 1271

- b.~ 1182 in ,Barton,Westmorland,England

- b.~ 1211

- b.~ 1247 in of Lamberton,Mordington,Berwickshire,Scotland d.> 1274

- b.~ 1230 in of Lamberton,Mordington,Berwickshire,Scotland

- b.~ 1165 in Barnard Castle,Durham,England d.~ 1244 in Tours-en-Vimeu,Picardy,France

- b.~ 1210 in ,Alnwick,Northumberland,England

- b.~ 1170 in <,Gartley,Banff,Scotland>
- b.~ 1291 in of,of Crawford,Lanarkshire,Scotland

- b.~ 1240 in of,Crawford,Lanarkshire,Scotland

- b.~ 1268 in of,of Crawford,Lanarkshire,Scotland