Custom Field:<_FA#> Julia Ann was widow of Solomon Smith.@@S726784@@Date of Import: Jul 31, 2003
>From Probate Minutes, book No. 9, Coosa County Courthouse
Julia A. Logan--Joint OwnerState of Alabama, Coosa County, Alabama
Probate Court--November 28, 1866. This day came Julia A. Logan and filed
her petition in writing and under oath, showing that she and her children
are joint owners in the following described
Real Estate:
Viz: The W1/2 of the NW1/4 and the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 13,
Township 21, Range 17 in the said county. The names of said children
are Jane Ann Logan, wife of Yancey Logan, of full age, and Thomas Smith,
Jerone Smith and Josephine Smith, three minor children of her former
husband, Solomon R. Smith, deceased--all of whom reside in said state.
She allegies that said land cannot be fairly, equitably, and beneficially
devided among said joint owners without a sale thereof. It is therefore
ordered that the 7th day of January, 1867 be and it is hereby appointed a
day for hearing said application and the proof which may be submitted in
proof of the same. It is further ordered that the said Jane Ann Logan,
wife of Yancey Logan, have notice of this proceeding and the day set for
the hearing of the same, The citation to be served upon her personally,
at least two days before the said day of hearing. It is further ordered
that John S. Bentley, Esq, be and is dueby appointed guardian Al Letem to
represent and protect the interest of the minors being interested in this
proceeding on the hearing of said application and that he has notice of
this application. A. A. McMillan, Judge