Dr. John Walter Grimes of Talladega Springs is a son of Thomas Martin
Grimes. He was born in Tallapoosa County on April 14, 1868. With a good
high school education he matriculated in the medical department of the
University of Alabama and three years later became a student at the
University of the South Sewanee. Here he graduated in pharmacy and the
medical department then took post-graduate work at New York Polyclinic.
For a time he was a teacher but began practice at Juniata, Ala. And
after two years he located in Talladega Springs, where he was quite
successful. Doctor Grimes, alive to the needs of his porfession, keeps in
touch with membership in the Coosa County Medical Society and the State
Medical Association.
He was surgeion for the Alabama midland division of the L&N Railroad.
He deserves the success with is attending him, for he is a self made man
in the truest sense of the term.
Dr. Grimes votes Democratic, is a Knight of Honor and is a member of
the Baptist Church. His wife, Sarah Lavinia, daughter of William Stephen
and Sallie Mitchell Carlise Darden is a Coosa native as her parents. Her
grandparents, Uriah A. and Mary Logan Darden were very early pioneers of
the county. John B. and Nancy Craddock Carlisle were her other
grandparents and they have two children, Clyde and Bruce.