Event: Ruled 250 - 220 BC, King of Pontus 2
Event: Ruled 302/301 BC - 266/265 BC, King of Pontus 3
Note: Mithradates II, to whom scholars before Rostovtzeff commonly
assigned the titled Mithradates I Ctistes, was the son of Mithradates I.
Warned by his friend Demetrius Poliorcetes, the son of Antigonus, that he
had incurred the same disfavour as his father, he fled to Paphlagonia,
where he seized Cimiata, a fort at the foot of the Olgassys range. Joined
by the Macedonian garrison and by neighbouring populations, he conquered
Cappadocian and Paphlagonian territories on both sides of the Halys to
form the nucleus of his kingdom of Pontic Cappadocia or Pontus. He died
in 266/265 B.C., leaving the kingdom to his son Ariobarzanes.