James Perry was listed in the 1854 Randolph County T ax List, Roanoke
Township, no taxes assessed for that year. In the 1861 Rand olph County
Tax List, Roanoke Township, he was reported with 120 acres, value d at
$360, and four cattle valued at $36. In the 1862 Randolph County Tax
List, Roanoke Township, Susan Kincade was listed instead of James Perry.
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James Perry was listed in the 1854 Randolph County Tax List, Roanoke
Township, no taxes assessed for that year. In the 1861 Randolph County
Tax List, Roanoke Township, he was reported with 120 acres, valued at
$360, and four cattle valued at $36. In the 1862 Randolph County Tax
List, Roanoke Tow nship, Susan Kincade was listed instead of James Perry.