Fitz Maurice, Juliane
Birth Name | Fitz Maurice, Juliane 1a |
Gramps ID | I7198 |
Gender | female |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Birth [E8808] | about 1261 |
1b |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Fitz Maurice, Maurice [I7152] | about 1238 | 1286 | |
Mother | de Prendergast, Maud [I8666] | about 1242 | ||
Fitz Maurice, Juliane [I7198] | about 1261 |
  |   | Family of de Clare, Thomas and Fitz Maurice, Juliane [F4179] | ||||||||||||
Married | Husband | de Clare, Thomas [I7197] ( * + ... ) | ||||||||||||
Children |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
de Clare, Margaret [I7196] | 1333 |
estimated from marriage date
The recent postings regarding Margaret de Clare, wife of Barthol omew de Badlesmere, have prompted me to post regarding Margaret' s parentage. As indicated by others, Margaret de Clare's paren ts were Thomas de Clare, Knt. (died 1287), of Thomond in Connaug ht, Bunratty castle, co. Clare, etc., Ireland, and his wife, Jul iane Fitz Maurice, which couple were married before 18 Feb. 1275 .
As for Juliane Fitz Maurice's correct maternity, it appears sh e was the daughter of her father's first wife, Maud de Prenderga st, born about 1242, widow of David Fitz Maurice (died 1249) an d Maurice de Rochford (died 1258), and daughter and
coheiress of Gerald de Prendergast (died 1251), of Beauvoir (or
Carrigaline) and Ballacha in Orrery, co. Cork, Ireland (Referenc es: Orpen, 1 (1911): 390-391; 3 (1920): 118, 198, 209-210, 4 (19 20):128-129 (chart which incorrectly shows Juliane Fitz Mauric e as daughter of Emmeline Longespee); T.W. Moody, et al., eds. , A New History of Ireland, 9 (1984): 167 (chart)].
Interestingly, Orpen shows that Maud (de Prendergast) Fitz Mauri ce's paternal grandmother was Maud, daughter of Robert de Quinc y (died 1172-3), constable of Ireland, by a daughter of Richar d de Clare ("Strongbow"), Earl of Pembroke. So, it would appea r that Maud de Prendegast has some rather illustrious
ancestry in her background, descending from the English Quincy a nd Clare families.
For further particulars on Thomas de Clare and his wife, Julian e Fitz Maurice and their numerous American descendants, please s ee the forthcoming new book, Magna Carta Ancestry, by Dr. Davi d Faris and myself, which book should be available for purchas e through NEHGS in Boston sometime later this summer or early fa ll.
--- Douglas Richardson
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Type | Value | Notes | Sources |
REFN | 11589495 |
Source References
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Date of Import: Sep 24, 2000
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