Taliaferro, Robert Sr.
Birth Name | Taliaferro, Robert Sr. 1a |
Gramps ID | I29739 |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | less than 60 years, 6 months, 19 days |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Nobility Title [E27745] | "The Immigrant" |
Birth [E27746] | 1626-11-11 | Stepney, Middlesex, London, England |
1b | |
Death [E27747] | before 1687-06-01 | Rappahannock, Virginia |
1c | |
Christening [E27748] | 1626-11-19 | Stepney Parish, outside London, Middlesex, England |
1d |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Taliaferro, Francis [I29735] | 1588/9-01-25 (Julian) | 1647-08-16 | |
Mother | haie\hay, Bennett [I29733] | about 1589 | after 1626 | |
Taliaferro, Robert Sr. [I29739] | 1626-11-11 | before 1687-06-01 |
Family of Taliaferro, Robert Sr. and Debnam, Katherine (aka Sarah GRYMES) [F11572] | ||||||||||||||
Married | Wife | Debnam, Katherine (aka Sarah GRYMES) [I29736] ( * 1628 + after 1672-11-00 ) | ||||||||||||
Children |
He is first known to have resided in the US in York County in 1645. He was
granted 800 acres in Glouchester county, VA on Feb 12, 1651 and 6300 acres
with Lawrence Smith in Rappahannock co on Mar 26, 1666. Witnessed the will of
Robert Meeke of York co, VA on Nov 1 1647.
AUGUSTA, GA, 1997.
Our ancestor, Robert Taliaferro, left England shortly before his 21st
birthday. He boarded the ship 'Honor' at the Stepney docks only two days
after his father, Francis Taliaferro, died and was buried. He left his older
sister, Anne, to act as Administrator of their Father's estate.
Robert was in Virginia by 1647. Lived in York Co, VA and owned land in
Gloucester Co, VA. May have died in 1687 in York, Gloucester, Virginia.
Information from an early researcher found in GS film #1316359, Item 6.
Madison, WI. Library: F232 K5C5 by Clarke:
The first of the name in the Colony settled in Gloucester Co. in 1636, where
he received a large grant of land. He married a daughter of Rev. Charles
Grymes, of Middlesex and had issue: John, Frances, Charles, Richard and Robert.
His sons were of the Protestant faith. Perhaps Robert came to America in
search of religious freedom?
He was married to Sarah GRYMES in 1650 in , Middlesex, Virginia. Children
He was married to Katherine DEDMAN (DEBMAN) about 1658 in , , VA..
"The known lineage of the Virginia branch of the Taliaferro family begins
with the Emigrant, Robert Taliaferro, who came to Virginia in 1645. He was a
man of prominence; he and his sons holding high state and church offices in
the Colony. He owned large tracts of land including one of 6,500 acres, which
he patented jointly with Major Lawrence Smith.
His children and grand-children were related by blood and marriage to the
first families of Virginia; their names being mentioned in "The Genuine
Aristocrats of Virginia" and in the Richmond Critic as "The First Families of
Virginia." Robert Taliaferro was married to Sarah Grymes, daughter of Rev
Charles Grymes, of "Brandon," then of Gloucester, now of Middlesex County.
Robert Taliaferro and Maj Lawrence Smith, being great friends and intimately
associated in business, were drawn closer together by the intermarriage of
their children, John Taliaferro and Sarah Smith. The terms of the treaty at
Yorktown were arranged in the Moore House which, at one time, belonged to Maj
Lawrence Smith, and at this time was owned and occupied by his great -
granddaughter, Lucy, the wife of Col Augustine Moore.
Nicholas Taliaferro, the great-great-gandson of Major Lawrence Smith, was
present when the treaty was made. This estate is now known as "Temple Farm."
"Robert Taliaferro-1 and his wife Sarah (Grymes) Taliaferro had issue:
Robert, Francis, John, Richard, Catherine, and Charles. (See William and Mary
College Quarterly, Vol II, Nos 1, 4; Vol IX, No 1; Vol X, No 4; Vol XX, No 4;
Vol V, No 3; Vol VIII, No 2; Vol X, No 1; Vol XII, Nos 1, 2; Second Series,
Vol I, No 3).
"Robert Taliaferro-1 and his wife Sarah (Grymes) Taliaferro had issue:
Robert, Francis, John, Richard, Catherine, and Charles.
He is first known to have resided in the US in York County in 1645. He was
granted 800 acres in Glouchester county, VA on Feb 12, 1651 and 6300 acres
with Lawrence Smith in Rappahannock co on Mar 26, 1666. Witnessed the will of
Robert Meeke of York co, VA on Nov 1 1647.
The deeds below were executed by Robert Taliaferro-2. The patent referenced
in the deeds below indicates that it was not issued until 1673, after the
death of Robert Taliaferro, but earlier patents identify him as the owner of
this property in 1667.
ESSEX COUNTY DEED BOOK 13, Page 428: 9 August 1711.
Conveyance of Robert Taliaferro to Samuel Short. 40 pounds sterling.
Tract of 100 acres, part of land formerly granted to Robert Taliaferro,
deceased, father of Robert Taliaferro, containing 739 acres by patent of 17
March 1673 which is bounded as follows: a marked cedar tree by the riverside
near mouth of a gut next above plantation where Samuel Short lives, running up
gut E 110 poles to large birch close to the stream, N 14 degrees, E 127 poles
to large oak standing in sight of plantation called Short's Quarters, N 69
degrees, W 68 poles to oak standing by pocosin or sunken land, through pocosin
to river, then up river to place it began. Includes all houses, outhouses.
Dower release by Margaret Buckner recorded.
Conveyance of Robert Taliaferro to Samuel Short. 14 pounds. Tract of 25
acres, part of land granted to Robert Taliaferro, dcd, father of Robert
Taliaferro, containing 739 acres by patent of 17 March 1673. Beginning at a
cedar tree by the river near mouth of a gutt (beginning at the point where
previously sold land began) the up said gutt to the fork, up the fork next the
plantation to the of Grimes, then SW by Grimes to land of Corbin, then down
several courses of Corbins's to the river, then down river to the beginning,
including all houses, outhouses.
ESSEX COUNTY DEED BOOK 18, Page 218: 20 April 1726.
Robert Taliaferro to Richard Buckner. 600 pounds. Tract whereon said
Taliaferro lives normally called the Church Neck, being 600 acres, the
remainder of a patent of 739 acres to Robert Taliaferro, son of Robert
Taliaferro, now deceased, the other part sold to Samuel Short; includes all
houses, outhouses. Dower release by Ann Taliaferro.
Robert Taliaferro, I b. 11 Nov 1626, Stepney, Co. Middlesex, England, baptized
19 Nov 1626, Stepney, d. bef 20 Nov 1672, m. ca. 1655, Hampton Parish, York Co.
, VA, Katherine Debman b. 1626, Igtham, Kent Co., England, d. ca. 1667
Gloucester Co., VA, (daughter of William and Katherine (Unknown) Debman).
Robert first settled in Totopotomy Swamp, Gloucester County, VA ca. 1650/55.
Robert was granted 800 acres with Samuel Sallis, 12 Feb 1651, in Gloucester Co.
, VA, and 6300 acres with Lawrence Smith, 26 Mar 1666 in Rappahannock Co.,
VA, (later called Caroline Co., VA).
Robert Taliaferro married Katherine Grimes, the step-daughter of Charles
Grimes. He was Rector of a Church of England parish on the south side of the
York river in his early years, and later moved to the parish in present
Middlesex County VA. Robert Taliaferro's home was located in Petsworth Parish
in Gloucester Co, yet one searches in vain for references to the early
Taliaferro family in the well preserved and published records of this parish.
The Taliaferros lived fairly near the parish where Katherine Grimes
Taliaferro's father ministered, so they probably carried out the baptisms of
their children and fulfilled their other religious obligations at his church
in Middlesex.
See "Katherine (_) (Debnam) Grymes and Some Relatives," by Rudolf Loeser,_The
Genealogist_, v.41, #3 1997, pp. 163-171.
Katherine's parents were William Debnam and Katherine. William died in 1657.
Katherine next married Charles Grymes, Rev. b. 1612 Rainham, Kent, England,
died 22 Nov 1661 Gloucester Co., VA. His will dated 11 Nov 1661. After Robert
Taliaferro's death, Katherine Debnam Grimes Taliaferro married Cadwallader
"Every now and then a reference in the body of a deed reveals a startling fact
that throws unexpected light on a tradition, or claim, that has long been
accepted as fact. Such a discovery has been my recent lot and it would seem to
definitely settle the question of the identity of the wife of Robert
Taliaferro, I, the Immigrant. She has long been placed as Sarah, daughter of
the Rev. Charles Grymes (1612/3-1662/3), who was born in Igtham, Kent,
England, and who died in Virginia, matriculated at Cambridge at the age of 18
in 1631. In Tyler's Quarterly, vol. XXI, pp 83-84, it is shown by me that the
wife of the first Robert Taliaferro was not Sarah, but Katherine (Sarah being
the wife of the second Robert; and nee Catlett). On November 20, 1672, "Mrs.
Katherine Taliaferro" was granted 600 acres of land for the transportation of
8 negroes and 4 English servants "which rights I doe hereby assigne over to my
son Robert Taliaferro." (Rappahannock County records D.B. 5, p. 99.) Since
Katherine Taliaferro received this patent it would seem that she was a widow
and therefore Robert Taliaferro, I, had died before this date. The Rev.
Charles Grymes died 1662/3 and left a will which was offered for probate by
his widow, Katherine Grymes, who on August 26, 1678, as his executrix, was
sued by Thomas Godlington of London. (See Tyler's Quarterly, vol V, p. 260.)
"Although the record of the proving of the will of the Rev. Charles Grymes
does not appear, his widow Katherine must have finally succeeded in proving
its validity, for on August 9, 2822, in Essex County Court, Robert Taliaferro,
III (grandson of Robert Taliaferro, I, and Katherine, his wife) sold to
Augustine Smith 200 acres of land "part of 600 acres formerly granted to Mr.
Charles Grymes September 4, 1654 and by his last will and testament bequeathed
to Katherine Dedman, grandmother of the said Robert Taliaferro." (Essex County
records D.B. 12, p. 426). On August 9, 1692, John Smith, of Ware Parish,
Gloucester County, made a deed to John Taliaferro, of St. Mary's Parish,
Gloucester County, made a deed to John Taliaferro, of St. Mary's Parish, Essex
County, for 200 acres of land, "the one half moiety of the land taken up by
Charles Grymes, dec'd, November 22, 1661, and bequeathed by him to Mary Dedman.
(Essex County records, Book I, p. 40.)
"On June 20, 1726, Samuel Hoyle deeded to Samuel Skinker, both of King George
Co., 300 acres of land, "part of a patent of 600 acres taken up by Charles
Grymes on September 4, 1654, who by his last Will & Testament Gave and
Bequeathed one Moiety or half of the said patent to his Daughter in Law Ann
Dedman which said Ann intermarried with a certain Edward Hoyle by whom she had
issue the above named Samuel Hoyle, party of these presents." (King George
County records, D.B. I, p. 361.) From this we see that Katherine, wife of
Robert Taliaferro, Ann, wife of Edward Hoyle, and Mary Dedman were sisters and
daughters of Katherine, wife of the Rev. Charles Grymes, by a previous
marriage and hence step-daughters ("daughters-in-law" in the 17th and 18th
century use of the word) of the Rev. Charles Grymes. Katherine Grymes was
evidently the widow of Henry Dedman (or Deadman, the name is spelled both
ways) who was granted 350 acres of land in Rappahannock River June 27, 1650.
(Cavaliers and Pioneers, p. 191.) On November 18, 1653, Henry Dedman was
granted 400 acres in Lancaster County bounded with the land of Mr. James
Bagnall and with another tract now in the possession of the said Deadman; 150
acres by right of a patent granted him for 350 acres June 27, 1650, which is
relinquished to make this good, and 250 acres for the transportation of 5
persons. (Ibid., p. 245.) On March 17, 1663, Capt. George Bryer and Richard
Lawrence were granted 300 acres in Rappahannock County, "extending along the
creek side to the head of Parson Grymes" (sic). (Ibid., p. 467.) On March 16,
1663/4 Bryer and Lawrence were granted 3,000 acres in the same county
"extending along the creek side to the land of Charles Grimes, dec'd." (Ibid.,
p. 527.) This latter grant is probably a regrant of the patent of the
preceding year, and, if the Rev. Charles Grymes was not dead at the time of
the first patent, he was certainly deceased when the second grant was made. On
June 4, 1652, Henry Dedman made bond for 8,337 lbs. of tobacco to Richard
Bennett. On February 19, 1652/3, he gave a heifer to his son; October 24,
1653, he had 3 tithables; February 6, 1654/5, he was taxed with 2 tithables;
and June 6, 1655, he was deceased and Richard Perrott was his administrator.
(See Fleet's Lancaster County Court Orders 1652-1655.) In the absence of more
direct reference it is certainly permissible to place Katherine, wife of the
Rev. Charles Grymes, as the widow of this Henry Dedman and as the mother of
Katherine Deadman (who married Robert Taliaferro, I). Ann Deadman (who married
Edward Hoyle) and Mary Deadman. This was written by John Bailey Calvert
Nicklin, P.O. Box 148, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
">From this article it is clear to me that Katherine Dedman was the widow of
Henry Dedman and married Rev. Charles Grymes. Katherine and Henry had a
daughter, Katherine, who married Robert Taliaferro, I, the Immigrant. I know
other records show Robert being married to Sarah Grymes." (Joyce Browning).
The early researchers believed that Katherine, who married Robert Taliaferro,
was a daughter of the Rev. Charles Grymes, immigrant. Later research revealed
that Rev. Grymes married Katherine's mother, a widow. Katherine's mother was
also named "Katherine".
An early researcher published the fact that Rev. Grymes married the widow of
Henry Dedman. Katherine, who married Robert Taliaferro, was actually a
step-daughter of Rev. Charles Grymes.
The name "Sarah" came about, some recent researchers believe, because Robert,
the immigrant, was confused with either his son or grandson, also named
Robert, who married a Sarah (I don't have my material in front of me, but I
think this Sarah was a Catlett). Earlier researchers didn't have the resources
we have now, and several errors were made.
Now, some researchers believe that Katherine, who married Robert Taliaferro,
was a daughter of William Debnam and not Henry Dedman. And, as above, she was
a step-daughter of Rev. Charles Grymes who married the widow, Katherine Debnam.
Some of this info can be found in the following:
1. THE VIRGINIA GENEALOGIST, Vol. 41, No. 3, Whole No. 163, July-September,
1997. The article is continued in Vol. 41, No. 4, Whole No. 160,
October-December, 1997.
Type | Value | Notes | Sources |
REFN | 4DMZ-13 |
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