de Neufmarché, Sybil
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Birth [E4994] | BET. 1090 - 1096 | Aberhonwy, Breconshire, Wales |
2a 3b 5b | |
Death [E4995] | after 1143 | Gloucestershire, England |
2 3c 5c |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Lord Brecnoch, Bernard de Neufmarché II [I4121] | 1050 | BET. 1093 - 1096 | |
Mother | verch Trahaern, Nesta [I4122] | 1079 | ||
de Neufmarché, Sybil [I4118] | BET. 1090 - 1096 | after 1143 |
Family of Earl of Hereford, Miles de Pitres of Gloucester and de Neufmarché, Sybil [F2241] | ||||||||||||||
Married | Husband | Earl of Hereford, Miles de Pitres of Gloucester [I4116] ( * BET. 1092 - 1097 + 1143-12-24 ) | ||||||||||||
Children |
"Some Early English Pedigrees", Vernon M. Norr.
"Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to
America before 1700", Weis, 1992, seventh edition.
"Medieval GEDCOM Files", Marlyn R. Lewis.
Records not imported into INDI (individual) Gramps ID I4118:
Line ignored as not understood Line 98512: 2 SOUR @S085410@
Skipped subordinate line Line 98513: 3 DATA
Skipped subordinate line Line 98514: 4 TEXT Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000
Type | Value | Notes | Sources |
REFN | 5760 |
Source References
Sir Anthony Wagner: Pedigrees & Progress
- Page: Pedigree 48, p. 207
Marlyn Lewis: Ahnentafel for Margery Arundell, Recipient: J.H. Garner, Author
- Page: b abt 1090
- Page: m Apr/May 1121
Vernon M. Norr: Some Early English Pedigrees
- Page: p 31
- Page: p 31
- Page: p 31
- Page: p 31, m Apr/May 1121
Royal Ancestors of Some American Families, Pages: 320
- Page: chart 11430
Source text:
Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000
Source text:
Source text:
Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000
Source text:
Source text:
Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000
Source text:
Source text:
Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000
Source text:
Jean LeMelletier: Les Seigneurs de Bohun
- Page: Gives date as abt 1121.
Frederick Lewis Weis: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to
- Page: line 262, no date
William Harry Turton: The Plantagenet Ancestry, Pages: 274
- Page: p 119, no date