Female Clara Maud Mead Click to view Clara Maud Mead in the family tree Click to view Clara Maud Mead in the family tree in SVG format

Clara was born in 1874.  Clara's father was Thomas Seymour Mead and her mother was Mary-Anne Draper.  Her maternal grandfather was Samuel Draper.  She was the youngest of two children.  She had a sister named Florence.

Clara's family with Harold William Smith

They had three daughters named Iris, Mona and Barbara.

Female Iris Lee Smith
Iris was born on January 1st, 1901.  She died at the age of 73 in 1974 in Salibury, Rhodesia.

Female Mona Claire
Mona was born in 1903.  She died in Cape Town.

Female Barbara Smith
Barbara was born in 1904.

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