new_custom_tag | 97D7D97C7EC5D51180230010A4B56191EAC4 |
CHAN.DATE | 25 May 2003 |
IMMI.DATE | MAR 1907 |
IMMI.Place | Havana, Cuba |
IMMI.Comment | It is believed he came over with his mother and sisters on 2 April 1907, the arrival date of "Victoria Gración [sic] y 3 hijos"). He later returned to Spain. Family oral tradition has it that he did so to marry his childhood sweetheart, Elisa ASENSIO LÓPEZ. (Emigró a Cuba c. 1905, y volvió antes de 1912 para casar su novia Elisa.) |
occupation.DATE | BET 1934 AND 1936 |
occupation.Place | Santa Olalla, Toledo, Spain |
EVEN | lived in both Cuba and the USA |
EVEN.TYPE | Unspecified |
EVEN.DATE | BET 1907 AND 1912 |
EVEN.Place | Castielfabib, Valencia, Spain |
EVEN.Comment | Dates approximate. In addition, his stay in the US, passed down in the family oral history, has not been documented. Isabel BESTEIRO GRACCIANI claimed he returned to Spain "al cumplr 23 años." |
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