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Family James Davis WALKER & Belinda MATTINGLY Click to view James Davis WALKER & Belinda MATTINGLY in the family tree Click to view James Davis WALKER & Belinda MATTINGLY in the family tree in SVG format

James Davis and Belinda were married on January 21st, 1837.  They had nine sons and three daughters, named James E., Joseph Mathias, George W., Francis M., John Miller, William M., James Hart/Henry, Christopher, Samuel L., Jane Elizabeth, Mary Anne and Margaret Ann.

Male James Davis WALKER
James Davis was born on August 4th, 1815.  He died at the age of 69 on July 25th, 1885.

Female Belinda MATTINGLY
Belinda was born on April 2nd, 1817.  She died at the age of 78 on July 30th, 1895.


Male James E. WALKER
James E. was born in 1838.

Female Jane Elizabeth WALKER
Jane Elizabeth was born on January 30th, 1838.  She died at the age of 53 on May 7th, 1891.

Male Joseph Mathias WALKER
Joseph Mathias was born on August 10th, 1840.  He died at the age of 2 in 1842.

Male George W. WALKER
George W. was born on May 29th, 1842.  He died at the age of 69 on October 1st, 1911.

Female Mary Anne WALKER
Mary Anne was born on July 19th, 1844.

Male Francis M. WALKER
Francis M. was born on June 4th, 1846.  He died at the age of 69 on July 20th, 1915.

Male John Miller WALKER
John Miller was born on June 5th, 1848.  He died due to natural causes or old age at the age of 82 on January 5th, 1931.

Male William M. WALKER
William M. was born on December 4th, 1851.  He died at the age of 77 on February 22nd, 1929.

Female Margaret Ann WALKER
Margaret Ann was born on July 11th, 1854.  She died at the age of 19 on August 11th, 1873.

Male James Hart/Henry WALKER
James Hart/Henry was born on April 14th, 1856.  He died at the age of 77 on March 13th, 1934.

Male Christopher WALKER
Christopher was born on April 27th, 1859.  He died at the age of 42 on August 2nd, 1901.

Male Samuel L. WALKER
Samuel L. was born on November 24th, 1860.

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