The Sandler Family

You are currently viewing a report of The Sandler Family containing 1304 individuals and 440 families. Click here for help on accessing this website.

This Genealogical Research is dedicated to my dear father in law the late Monty Sandler (Samuel Hertz Sandler).
This family tree contains four main family branches:
Sandler - Monty's Paternal Grandfather's family. Origin: Suvainiskis, Lithuania
Katz  - Monty's Paternal Grandmother's family. Origin: Onuskis, Lithuania
Orbach - Monty's Maternal Grandfather's family. Origin Panevesyz, Lithuania
Weinberg - Monty's Maternal Grandmother's family. Origin Panevesyz, Lithuania
This is the story of the great Journey of Litvak Jews migration from the old world in Europe the new world - South Africa and the United States in the beginning of the 20th century and later to Australia and Israel.  Those who've stayed behind perished in the holocaust. Few survived.

Tamir Ben Zvi

Most Popular Family Names

Sandler  (60), Katz  (46), Slasky  (44), Feinberg  (38), Kay  (25), Niselovich  (22), Lichtenstein  (18), Orbach  (17), Goldberg  (16), Fox  (16), Edelman  (16), Brody  (16), Ephron  (15), Davis  (15), Blum  (15), Dodo  (13), Mandelstam  (11), Immerman  (11), Hurwitz  (11), Sacks  (10)

Most Popular Places

Johannesburg  (81), Los Angeles  (54), Cleveland  (37), West Park Cemetery  (36), Pusalotas  (30), Columbus  (21), Durban  (15), Bellaire Jewish Cemetery  (14), Bellaire  (14), Brixton Cemetery  (13), Panevezys (Ponevezh)  (12), Jacksonville  (8), Joniskelis  (8), Port Elizabeth  (8), Pinelands 2 Cemetery  (7), Stellawood Cemetery  (7), Redhill Jewish Cemetery  (7), New York  (7), Wheeling  (7), Port Elizabeth Jewish Cemetery  (7)
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This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2023.3.11 using modified skin template {EN} Narrative Report (2020.03.13) with code base 2020.04.09 .

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