Magdalena Boon
Magdalena was born in May 1719 in
Utrecht and her baptism took place there on May 14th, 1719.
Birth Notes
Documenttype: DTB Dopen
Erfgoedinstelling: Het Utrechts ArchiefHet Utrechts Archief
Plaats instelling: Utrecht
Collectiegebied: Utrecht
Archief: 711
Registratienummer: 30
Pagina: 9
Registratiedatum: 14 mei 1719
Akteplaats: Utrecht
Gezindte: Evangelisch-Luthers
Getuige 1: Luytjie Phenix
Magdalena's father was
Valentijn Boon and her mother was
Sara van der Schalie. She had a sister named
Jacoba. She was the older of the two children.