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Family Subtree Diagram : USA

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child) Marriage (a child) 1989 Ashley Bourjaily 1987 Alicia Bourjaily 1985 Andrew Bourjaily 1983 Nicole Bourjaily Residence: USA, West Palm Beach, Florida
Nicole's husband is Angel Melendez, 1983 and they have two sons, Jason Alexander Melendez, 2004 and Christian Michael Melendez, 2006.
1978 Michael Bourjaily Residence: USA, West Palm Beach, Florida

Eugénie Bourjaily Rosetta Bourjaily Ruth Bourjaily Residence: Syracuse
Married to Hanna family.
She had 4 chlidren: Barbara, Raymond, David and Samantha
1978 James Grider Bourjaily He holds his mother name: Grider
1986 Joseph Bourjaily 1993 Julia Bourjaily 1985 Ashlee Bourjaily 1960 Denise Ann Bourjaily Place of birth: Michigan, Detroit
1957 Cindy Lynn Bourjaily Place of birth: Michigan, Detroit
She is married to Gasperd Basirico born 1963.
1955 Theadore Vance Bourjaily Place of birth: Michigan, Detroit
1952 Sharon Joy Bourjaily place of birth: Detroit, Michigan
1949 Edward Earl Bourjaily 1949 Frederick Ferris Bourjaily place of birth: Detroit, Michigan
1924 Frederick Bourjaily place of birth: Detroit, Michigan
Margaret Lyne Bourjaily Mark Alexander Bourjaily Patrick James Bourjaily 2002 Christopher Alexander Bourjaily Residence: Alexandria, Virginia, USA
1999 Monte V Bourjaily Residence: Alexandria, Virginia, USA
1983 Omar Bourjaily Residence : San Rafael, California
1993 John Bourjaily born Iowa City, IA
1989 Gordon Bourjaily born Iowa City, IA
1975 Justin Webb Bourjaily The family name changed from Bourjaily to Webb by court order in 1944
1970 Michael Webb Bourjaily The family name changed from Bourjaily to Webb by court order in 1944
1875 - 1935 Khaleel Bourjaily 60 60 Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Khaleel made 5 trips to the United States from Lebanon, the last one was in 1913 with his son Edward, went to Brazil, then to the states.  First settled in Syracuse, New York with his brother Najim.  Left his son with his brother's family. Then left for Boston, Massachusetts, where he remained until his death.  After World War I, he was joined by his daughters, Azeeza and Rose.  Then his wife and two younger daughters followed two years later, arriving in 1921.
1985 Michelle Bourjaily Residence: Miami FL
1981 Cecilia Bourjaily Residence: Miami FL
Nicolas Bourjaily Farid Bourjaily Farid Bourjaily Youssef Bourjaily Georgi Bourjaily Rachid Bourjaily Amin Bourjaily Georges Abourjaily Nicolas Bourjaily Youssef Bourjaily Elias Bourjaily Edward (Aziz) Bourjaily Residence: USA
D. 1971 Edward (Azeez) Bourjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Fouad Bourjaily Hanna Bourjaily Toufic Bourjaily Najm Bourjaily Lived in Syracuse, New York
1876 - 1937 Nimr Aborjaily 60 60 Place of birth: Kab Elias, Lebanon
Residence: USA
Origin: USA
1883 - 1972 James (Najib) Bourjaily 89 89 Najib left Lawrence, MA around 1936 and went to El Paso, Texas
Elias Bourjaily Youssef Bourjaily Assaad Abou- Rjeily Najm Bourjaily Naaman Bourjaily Georgi Bourjaily Daher Bourjaily Origin: Kteleh
Used to live with Monte 1 in the states until he went back home to Lebanon and died in his old age
Mansour Bourjaily Daher Bourjaily Berjas Bourjaily Assaf Bourjaily Mitri Bourjaily Atallah Abou- Rjeily 1875 Ferris Bourjaily Origin : Lebanon, Kteleh
Married to Turkman Abourjaily from Kabb Elias.
Turkman migrated to the United States in 1901.Fares followed her to the States in 1904.
1894 - 1979 Monte I - Mansour Bourjaily 85 85 Place of Birth: Lebanon, Kteleh
Migrated to the United States in 1901 with his mother.
Monte is his american name.
He attended Syracuse University with journalism and English as Major. He became an editor and publisher and newspaper owner. He stopped studying after two years to enter world war one as a fighter pilot and shipped out from Wright Airforce Base in Dayton Ohio where the Wright brothers discovered flight. He flew a Sopwith Camel in the first war, fought in Belgium and ended the war in Marseilles. 
In the Second War he was on the board of economic warfare in the Roosevelt administration. His sister Alice was a nurse in the army. He inspired Eleanor Roosevelt to write a column called My Day in the newspapers. Monte was listed in Who's Who in America. He was one of the leading lights of his generation. He wrote daily editorials that were printed in 80 newspapers in the United States. He was a powerful man who could make or break politicians and was always invited to the inaugural balls at the White House.  Many important people sought his council.

1907 - 1946 Alice Bourjaily 39 39 Migrated to the United States with her mother in 1901
1895 - 1899 Toufic Bourjaily 4 4 1921 - 2005 Monte II - Mansour Bourjaily 83 83 His american name in Monte.
He is an editor living in Virginia
Monte is his american name
Residence: Amissville, Virginia
1925 Paul - Webb Bourjaily Residence : Yellow Springs, Ohio
The family name changed from Bourjaily to Webb by court order in 1944
1923 - 2010 Vance Nye Bourjaily 87 87 Residence : San Rafael, California
1943 Abigail Bourjaily Married to Thomas Campi
Residence : Maryland
1950 Dale Anne Bourjaily Residence : Netherlands
1944 - 2008 Monte III - Terry Bourjaily 64 64 Monte Ferris III.
Terry for Tertius, it means the third in latin
Residence: Amissville, Virginia
1967 Monte IV - Mike Ferris Bourjaily D. 1983 Rose Bourjaily Origin : Kteleh.
She married M. Tom Georges. They had a daughter called Ezadoora (Zadoora or Dora)
Rose lived in Danbury Connecticut.
Dora married and Divorved from Georges Mansour
1950 Brian Bourjaily Residence: Florida
1954 Neil Alan Bourjaily Residence: Durango, Colorado
1953 Melanie Ann Bourjaily Married to William Kelly.
Has three children: Emma Leigh Kelly, Alfred John Kelly and Mary Elizabeth Kelly
1957 Gavin Bourjaily 1957 Gwyneth Lema Bourjaily Married to Jonathan Vote and has three children
1965 Robin Bourjaily born Iowa City
Married to Roger J. Kiely, Jr. in April 1966.
Two children: Philip Justin Kiely, born in Rockville, MD, April 1999 and Laura Rae Kiely, born in Bethesda, MD, June 2002
1952 - 1963 Anna Bourjaily 11 11 1958 Philip Bourjaily born in Iowa City, IA
Residence: Iowa City, Iowa
1949 Sean Webb Bourjaily Residence: Iowa City, Iowa
The family name changed from Bourjaily to Webb by court order in 1944
1950 Paula Webb Bourjaily married Jerry Womacks
The family name changed from Bourjaily to Webb by court order in 1944
Anise Bourjaily Married William Haddad
Residence: USA
Origin: USA
Nazeria Bourjaily Married A. Saliba
Residence: USA
Origin: USA
1884 John Aborjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Origin in Lebanon: Kab Elias, Lebanon
He arrived to the States in June 08, 1906, through Ellis Island port.
1903 Mabel Bourjaily married to Sam Habeeb
then married to James Habeeb after Sam died.
Children: Raymond, Jimmy and Sam
Residence: Texas, El Paso
Origin: USA.
Her lebenese name was Maheeba. She landed in the states at the 13th of september 1920.
Origin: Kab Elias , Lebanon
1914 Alice Bourjaily married Sam Guiffrida
Residence: Texas, El Paso
Origin: USA
1911 - 1958 Josephine Bourjaily 47 47 Married Thomas Karam.
Son: James T. Karam
Residence: El Paso, Texas
Origin: USA
1905 Nellie Bourjaily Married Joseph Mowad
Sons: Phillip J.  and William J.
Residence: El Paso Texas
Origin: USA
1913 Helen Bourjaily Married William Mowad
Residence: El Paso Texas
Origin: USA
1923 Ernest Bourjaily Married Eva Nasta
Residence: USA
Origin: USA
1955 Russell Bourjaily Residence: El Paso, Texas
Origin: USA
1953 Douglas Bourjaily Residence: El Paso, Texas
Origin: USA
Alexis Nicole Bourjaily Residence: El Paso, Texas
Origin: USA
1926 Yvonne Bourjaily Married Carl Otis Claibourn  then Dempsey W. Grice. She had a son, daughter and a twin daughters
Residence: El Paso, Texas
Origin: USA
1921 - 1987 Alfred Nimr Aborjaily 66 66 Residence: Westfield, Massachusetts
1952 Karen Celeste Aborjaily Married David Josiah Simm
David Alfred Simm: February 25, 1993
Residence: Westfield, Massachusetts
Origin: USA
1956 Ruth Camille Aborjaily Married David Albert Bannish: 22 Sept 1984
Catherine Anne Bannish: Sept. 5, 1991
Andrew Philip Bannish: August 27, 1993.
Residence: Westfield, Massachusetts
Origin: USA
1962 Lisa Ellen Aborjaily Residence: Massachusetts
Married to Semaan Hanna Haidar
Children: Michael Alfred Haidar:  January 12, 1995
Julia Hana Haidar:  October 31, 1997
Alexander Simon Haidar: March 13, 2002.
1960 Eric David Aborjaily Residence: Westfield, Massachusetts
Origin: USA
1914 - 1987 Eugenie Aborjaily 73 73 Married James Nicholas
Residence: Andover, Massachusetts
Origin: USA
1925 - 2003 Georges Aborjaily 77 77 Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
1959 Paul Aborjaily Residence: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Origin: USA
1957 Mark Aborjaily Residence: West Roxbury, Massashusetts
Origin: USA
1929 Elizabeth Aborjaily Married Richard C. Simonson on Feb 18 1967.
Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
before marriage, she used to live in Dedham, 10 miles out of Boston
Origin: USA
1923 - 1984 Lillian Aborjaily 61 61 Married Charles A. Vokes
Sons: Charles and Gary
Daughter: Nancy
Residence: Dedham, Massachusetts
Origin: USA
1918 Mary Aborjaily Married Gabriel Milkie
Residence: Silver Spring, Maryland, outside Washington DC
Origin: USA
married Gabriel Milkie  - had two daughters, Catherine and Susan
1916 - 1970 Arthur (Assad) Aborjaily 53 53 Residence: Ayer, Massachusetts
Katherine Aborjaily Married Georges Wazen
had 2 girls: Carolyn, Dianne
and 2 boys: Norman and Robert
Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Origin: USA
D. 1969 Frederick Aborjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
1970 Elise Bourjaily 1967 Barbara Jill Bourjaily Residence: Westchester, Illinois
1964 Deidre Bourjaily 1965 Michelle Bourjaily 1963 Paula Bourjaily 1961 Peter Bourjaily 1976 Mattew Bourjaily Residence: Chicago
1973 Christopher Bourjaily Residence: Chicago
1948 Richard Bourjaily Residence: Chicago
1937 Paul Ronald Bourjaily 1974 Mary Clare Bourjaily Residence: Chicago
1960 Ann Bourjaily Residence: Chicago.
Sons: Thomas Edward Maney (12 Dec 1992),
Sean Louis Maney (23 Jul 1997),
Daughters: Clara Grace Maney (6 Mars 2003),
Mary Catherine Maney (26 Dec 1994)
1961 Therese Bourjaily 1957 Paul Bourjaily Residence: Miami FL
1943 Mary Anne Bourjaily Married to Williams
Has two sons: Thomas and  Daniel and one daughter: Angela.
Residence: Jacksonville FL
Mass Bourjaily Residence: Brockton, USA
Origin: Kab Elias, Lebanon
Bahia Bourjaily Residence: Cleveland
Origin: Kab Elias
Married to Assad Abdullah and has 2 sons: Ted and Daniel and 3 daughters: Laurice, Gladys and Bernice
Samuel (Saleem) Bourjaily Origin: Kab Elias, Lebanon
1906 - 1968 Louis Sr (Elias) Bourjaily 61 61 Origin: Kab Elias, Lebanon
Residence: Western Springs, IL, USA
History: Louis came over from Lebanon through Marseilles as Elias Saleem Aborjaily.  He was headed through Ellis Island to Cleveland where his brother, Bill, already lived and had a small grocery store.  He never knew his father who died before he was born.  But his mother, Rifka, was a wonderful woman who ultimately came to Cleveland to live with her sons until she died.

1898 - 1976 William 1 (Wadih) Bourjaily 78 78 Origin: Kab Elias, Lebanon
Residence: USA, Cleveland, Ohio
1926 William 2 Bourjaily Residence: USA, Cleveland, Ohio
1953 William 3 J. Bourjaily Residence: USA, West Palm Beach, Florida
1932 Louis Jr (Elias) Bourjaily Born in Detroit
Actual residence: Chicago
1940 Lila Ansley Bourjaily Residence: Cleveland, Ohio
Sons and daughters: Michelle, Noelle, Gabrielle, Christopher
Married to Ansley family
1960 John Bourjaily Residence: USA, Cleveland, Ohio
1951 Janet Bourjaily Residence: USA, Cleveland, Ohio
1956 Cynthia Bourjaily Residence: USA, Cleveland, Ohio
Married to Al Mansour.
Daughters: Audra - 19/08/1987, Nawal - 15/11/1989, Shahla - 02/11/1988.
Wadia Bourjaily Moved to Fench Equatorial Africa and then back to Lebanon and had 6 children
Zagheia Bourjaily Lived in Broncton Massachusttes and had 5 children
1907 Rose Bourjaily Residence: USA
Married to William/Saleem Bourjaily
Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Azeeza Bourjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Linda Bourjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
1913 Jeannette Bourjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Dhe moved later to Florida
Adam Bourjaily 1936 Robert Bourjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Janice Bourjaily Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
1948 - 2001 Richard Vincent Aborjaily 53 53 Residence: New Hampshire
Norman Aborjaily Residence: Vermont, USA
Kenneth Bourjaily
Matthew Bourjaily
Nicholas Bourjaily
Eric Bourjaily
Jacob Bourjaily Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
He is currently seeking Bachelor degrees in Honors physics, Honors mathematics and Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences and is planning to earn a doctorate in Theoretical Physics
Lora Bourjaily
1954 Randal Alan Bourjaily Residence: Northville, Michigan, USA
1988 Ryan Patrick Bourjaily Residence: Northville, Michigan, USA
1986 Richard Joseph Bourjaily Residence: Northville, Michigan, USA
Amerin Aborjaily Married to Matthew Griffin and has two kids: Connor Matthew Griffin (1997) and Kira Jasmine Griffin (2002)
1968 Lauren Aborjaily 1878 - 1953 Shaheen Bourjaily 75 75 Shaheen Mansour Bourjaily was born in Lebanon, Kteleh in 1878 and died in Detroit Michigan { USA } in 1953. He married Julia who's maiden name was Julia Saad. They had three daughters born in  Lebanon, Mary, Nazerra, and Esma. Their ages were 10, 8, and 5 respectively.
Shaheen came to the United States in 1911 via Reo de Janerio. He was a shoemaker by trade. His passport gives his name as Obtoman Chahin mansour Assaf. He came to the States without his family in search of work and to earn enough money to bring the rest of the family with him. World War 1 broke out, and he was prevented from bringing his family over.
In the mean time, during the war, the Turks who were occupying Lebanon  adopted a severe policy of acquisition by which all foodstuffs were prioritized for the Ottoman soldiers engaged in the war. This lead to the Great Famine of Mount Lebanon that lead to the death of half of the population. Julia was fell ill and took the girls to a convent in the mountains to secure their safety but when she went back to get them, she was told they were taken by the turkish soldiers. She never found them.
Shaheen was finally allowed to bring Julia to the United states in 1920.
They lived in Detroit, Michigan, where they gave birth to Frederick and Ferris.
1910 - 1916 Esma Bourjaily 6 6 Born in Kteleh, was sent to a convent during World War one, and was never found again
1906 - 1916 Mary Bourjaily 10 10 Born in Kteleh, was sent to a convent during World War one, and was never found again
1907 - 1916 Nazeera Bourjaily 9 9 Born in Kteleh, was sent to a convent during World War one, and was never found again
1921 Ferris Bourjaily Residence: Bradenton, Florida, USA
Elias Abou- Rjeily Fares Abou- Rjeily Elias Abou- Rjeily Atallah Abou- Rjeily Elias Abou- Rjeily 1712 Atallah Abou- Rjeily (three children) (four children) (two children) (four children) (a child) (a child) (a child) Anis Abourjaily 1926 Elias Abourjaily Lauris Abourjaily 1954 Robert Abourjaily 1957 Riad Abourjaily 1962 Rita Abourjaily 1966 Rabab Abourjaily Married to Sarouphim Fakhri.
Daughters: Shannelle (2000) and Anna-Maria (2002)
1988 Angela Abourjaily 1990 Paulette Abourjaily Leydis Aborlleile Erica Aborlleile Ana Aborlleile Rob Aborlleile Lourdes Aborlleile Jorge Aborlleile Rachel Aborlleile Christina Aborlleile Maya Aborlleile Terri Aborlleile
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