Family James WADE & Nancy Jane QUEEN Click to view James WADE & Nancy Jane QUEEN in the family tree Click to view James WADE & Nancy Jane QUEEN in the family tree in SVG format

James and Nancy Jane were married on April 13th, 1858.  They had three sons and four daughters, named Alfred Peter, James M., Thomas D., Mary Ann, Sara Helen, Francis Elizabeth and Martha Jane.

Male James WADE
James was born on June 13th, 1816.  He died at the age of 75 on February 7th, 1892.

Female Nancy Jane QUEEN
Nancy Jane was born on May 11th, 1833.  She died at the age of 77 on October 15th, 1910.


Male Alfred Peter WADE
Alfred Peter was born in December 1859.

Female Mary Ann WADE
Mary Ann was born on January 24th, 1862.

Female Sara Helen WADE
Sara Helen was born on August 9th, 1864.

Male James M. WADE
James M. was born in 1868.  He died at the age of 25 on May 14th, 1893.

Male Thomas D. WADE
Thomas D. was born in 1871.

Female Francis Elizabeth WADE
Francis Elizabeth was born in September 1872.

Female Martha Jane WADE
Martha Jane was born on May 28th, 1878.

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