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Family David Layfatte BARNETT & Mary Eliza SHAW Click to view David Layfatte BARNETT & Mary Eliza SHAW in the family tree Click to view David Layfatte BARNETT & Mary Eliza SHAW in the family tree in SVG format

David Layfatte and Mary Eliza were married in a religious ceremony on October 20th, 1878 by minister F. G. Posey. They had seven sons and nine daughters, named Thomas, Bosco Houston, Virgil (Hood) Clayton, Asa Warren, Audie Lee, Chester Arthur, Oliver L., Amanda Elizabeth, Etta Neomia, Tamsie Ophelia, Martha Lou Ella, Donie Pearl, Selora, Clara A., Ethel L. and Vernon L..

Male David Layfatte BARNETT
David Layfatte was born on August 12th, 1857.  He died at the age of 78 on November 29th, 1935.

Female Mary Eliza SHAW
Mary Eliza was born on July 22nd, 1861.  She died at the age of 55 on May 9th, 1917.


Female Amanda Elizabeth BARNETT
Amanda Elizabeth was born in August 1879.  She died at the age of 35 in 1914.

Female Etta Neomia BARNETT
Etta Neomia was born on February 10th, 1881.  She died at the age of 77 on October 4th, 1958.

Female Tamsie Ophelia BARNETT
Tamsie Ophelia was born on December 9th, 1882.  She died at the age of 35 on April 9th, 1918.

Male Thomas BARNETT
Thomas was born in 1884.

Female Martha Lou Ella BARNETT
Martha Lou Ella was born on September 13th, 1885.  She died at the age of 102 on December 6th, 1987.

Female Donie Pearl BARNETT
Donie Pearl was born on June 2nd, 1887.  She died at the age of 87 on January 21st, 1975.

Male Bosco Houston BARNETT
Bosco Houston was born on February 22nd, 1889.  He died at the age of 52 on May 30th, 1941.

Male Virgil (Hood) Clayton BARNETT
Virgil (Hood) Clayton was born on May 25th, 1890.  He died at the age of 77 on November 13th, 1967.

Female Selora BARNETT
Selora was born on March 1st, 1891.  She died at the age of 28 on February 17th, 1920.

Male Asa Warren BARNETT
Asa Warren was born on November 7th, 1893.  He died at the age of 69 on May 7th, 1963.

Female Clara A. BARNETT
Clara A. was born on March 27th, 1895.  She died at the age of 26 on January 26th, 1922.

Female Ethel L. BARNETT
Ethel L. was born on January 18th, 1897.  She died at the age of 83 on November 17th, 1980.

Male Audie Lee BARNETT
Audie Lee was born on March 25th, 1899.  He died at the age of 75 on December 15th, 1974.

Male Chester Arthur BARNETT
Chester Arthur was born on February 23rd, 1901.  He died at the age of 81 on October 28th, 1982.

Male Oliver L. BARNETT
Oliver L. was born on March 27th, 1902.  He died at the age of 22 on January 27th, 1925.

Female Vernon L. BARNETT
Vernon L. was born on August 30th, 1905.  She died at the age of 26 on July 28th, 1932.

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