Jim Gordon says: Robert himself was a grocer until he acquired Plot 8 in Fallahogy in 1878. This was held by John Crilly in the Griffiths Valuation of 1861. (Source: Jim Gordon's report using the Griffiths Valuation Revision Books and the Rentals of the Worshipful Company of Mercers held at the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland). Was PAD of his mother, Mary Gordon (I cannot find this now.).
Robert Gordon acquires Plot 8 in Fallahogy of 11 acres from Robert McKay, in 1882. Robert McKay got it from John Crilly in 1868. However, he acutally arrived in Fallahogey at some point between the birth of his son, Isaac, in Lislea in 1878 and his son, Lenord, in Fallahogey in 1880.
Robert is scored out of Plot 8 to Joseph A Gordon in 1922. This must be Joseph HENRY Gordon. He holds it til the end of the book in 1929.
1901 Census:
Residents of a house 7 in Fallahogy (Tamlaght, Londonderry)
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses
Gordon Robert 64 Male Father Presbyterian Co Derry Farmer Read and write English Married -
Gordon Rachel 60 Female Wife Presbyterian Co Derry Farmer Read and write English Married -
Gordon Samuel 23 Male Son Presbyterian Co Derry Farmer Read and write English Not Married -
Gordon Leonard 20 Male Son Presbyterian Co Derry Farmer Read and write English Not Married -
1911 Census:
Residents of a house 15 in Fallahogy (Tamlaght, Londonderry)
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses Years Married Children Born Children Living
Gordon Robert 73 Male Head of Family Presbyterian Derry Farmer Read and write - Married - 52 7 6
Gordon Rachel 73 Female Wife Presbyterian Derry - Read and write - Married - 52 7 6