Source: 1860 Philadelphia Census:
Here is the Wm Brewster family in 1860 US Census in Philadelphia. It apparently shows William's mother, Sarah Brewster, with the family as well as more children than we had from the 1870 Census.
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Wm Brewster
Age in 1860: 45
Birth Year: abt 1815
Birthplace: Ireland
Home in 1860: Philadelphia Ward 4 West Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gender: Male
Post Office: Philadelphia
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members:
Name Age
Wm Brewster 45
Nancy Brewster 40
Robt Brewster 24
Jas Brewster 21
Ann Brewster 10
Chas Brewster 8
Wm Brewster 6
Hugh Brewster 11/12
Sarah Brewster 76
Jno Brewster 3
1844 Immigration Record:
Ship Siddons. Liverpool to NYC arr 14 Nov 1844
William Brewster 31
Nancy 25
Jas 7
On the same record are Chas and Sally (Creelman) Gray and family, suggesting that Sarah and Nancy were sisters.
From just looking at the GV and the fact that Robert C. Brewster said his family emig in 1858. They appear to be the ones in Ballystrone (outside of Coleraine) where there is a Sarah Brewster, William and John Brewster. (No longer sure this is corrrect)
William Brewster and Nancy Creelman belonged to the 1st Reformed Presbyterian Church in Philly.
Baptisms for children of William and Nancy Brewster at 1st Ref Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia:
Ann Jane Brewster bap July 7 1850 (the one who married Millman and is buried with her mother Nancy)
Charles Brewster bap July 4 1852 (b Mar 31, 1852) (Bap along with Mary Ann and Matilda Gray who may be his cousins if Nancy Creelman Brewster is the sister of Sarah Gray.) (He eventually went to Texas and married and died there)
John Brewster bap Jul 5 1857 (b Dec 28 1857 - must mean 1856)
Hugh Brewster bap Apr 25 1861 (b July 19 1860)
This is where William Brewster lived and it was not a nice area. (Boyd copy behind William Brewster, please)
Bedford and Kater st is the same location....sometimes called Bedford as that is where the Bedford St Mission was located but then later called Kater St.
William Brewster in Philly City Directories
1846 no WB
1847 WB weaver Bedford & 13th
1848 WB weaver Bedford & 13th
1849 WB weaver Bedford & 13th
1850 WB weaver Bedford & 13th
1851 WB weaver Bedford & 13th
1855 no WB
1856 no WB
1857 WB laborer S E 13th & Bedford
1858 WB hackman S E 13th & Bedford
1859 WB hackman S E 13th & Bedford
1860 WB laborer Bedford b 13th
1861 WB laborer 1246 Bedford
1862 WB laborer S E 13th & Bedford
1863 WB driver S E 13th & Bedford
1864 WB driver S E 13th & Bedford
1865 WB driver S E 13th & Bedford
1866 WB driver S E 13th & Bedford
1867 WB driver 1246 Bedford
1868 WB 1250 Kater
1869 WB weaver, 1250 Bedford
1870 WB weaver 1250 Kater
1871 WB weaver h 1250 Kater
1872 WB weaver h 1250 Kater
1873 WB weaver h 1250 Kater
1874 WB weaver 1250 Kater
1875 WB laborer h 1250 Kater
1876 WB lab h 1250 Kater
1877 Not there
1878 WB lab h 1250 Kater
1879 Not there
1880 Not there\
1881 Not there
1870 US Federal Census (1st Enumeration June 1870) Name:William Brewster
Birth Year:abt 1815 (transcribed wrong to 1825) Birthplace:Ireland Home in 1870:Philadelphia Ward 4 District 13, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gender:Male Post Office:Philadelphia Value of real estate:View image Household Members:Name Age Wm Brewster 55 Nancy Brewster 52 Annie Brewster 20 Eliza Brewster 27 William Brewster 15 John Brewster 13 Hugh Brewster 10 Ella Barton 3
1870 US Census (2nd Enumeration Nov 1870)
Basically the same names and ages but Charles Brewster age 18 is also included and Eliza age 27 is omitted.
1880 United States Federal Census taken in June Name:Wm. Brewster
Birth Year:abt 1815
Home in 1880:Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Race:White Gender:Male Relation to Head of House:Self (Head) Marital Status:Married Spouse's Name:Mary Brewster Father's Birthplace:Ireland Mother's Birthplace:Ireland Wm. Brewster 65 Mary Brewster 62 (should say Nancy. She died in Sept) Hugh Brewster 21 laborer John Brewster 23 laborer Catharine Brewster 24 (wife of John Brewster)
BG: As you have already suggested, Charles Gray, married to Sarah Creelman, calls his first son Joseph C Gray, Joseph for his father, C probably Creelman for his wife’s maiden name.
William Brewster, married to Nancy Probably Creelman, probable sister of the above Sarah Creelman, calls his first son Robert C Brewster, the C probably for his wife’s maiden name.
William is a real stickler for the naming convention. He calls:
His third (and then seventh) child William for himself
His fourth child and first girl Sarah Jane for his mother (who came to Philly without her husband who was presumably deceased)
His fifth child Anne for his wife
How’s about:
He calls his first child for his father – that would make his father a Robert Brewster.
He calls his second child for his wife’s father – that would make him a James Creelman? (See brackets below)
And he calls his sixth child for his Philly brother…………Charles Brewster, who went to the trouble of raising a headstone back home to their father, Robert Brewster?
In other words, David’s Robert is the same family as William Brewster. As one of us said previously, this would explain why Charles did not mention his mother on the gravestone in Camus – because she is not buried there but in Philly, where she died in 1860.
I have now made my great great grandfather, Robert Brewster, the brother of David Brewster's great grandfather, James Brewster of Ballintaggart. This makes him the brother of the James Brewster's brother, Charles Brewster, who emigrated to Philadelphia and then erected a gravestone to his father "Robert Brewster of Camus" in Camus Old graveyard. This meant I had a new great great great grandfather, Robert Brewster.
The original evidence for this was that David's father took him and his brothers to visit my Mary Brewster of Dromore. She told them that their grandfather, James Brewster (son of James brewster) of Ballintaggart had a brother called John and we concluded that this John was probably a full cousin of my great grandmother, Annie Brewster, and her brother, also a John Brewster. Ballintaggart and Domore are contiguous.
Furthermore, we had also firmly linked William Brewster of Philadelphia as the brother of David Brewster's great great grandfather, James Brewster and we know that William Brewster's mother, Sarah Brewster lived with him in Pholadelphia. This gave me a new great great great grandmother.
This was all speculation until David Brewster located a family tree he had drawn in 1973, based on information given to him by his father in that year. This tree was amazingly accurate in confirming details we already knew to be correct such as my great great grandmother being called Boyd. And it also confirmed our speculation above. It showed that the Robert Brewster buried in Camus did indeed die young (1818, changed to 1815) and his wife was a Sally Barr. This must have been the Sarah Brewster living with her son, William in Philadelphia.
The tree also showed that Robert Brewster had the following children: James (David's great grandfather) married twice the second time to a Rachel Kennedy, Robert (my great great grandfather) married to a ?? Boyd, William married to ?? Creelman and emigrated, John married to ?? Henry and emigrated, Rev Charles unmarried and emigrated, Anne married James mcQuillan, Jenny married ?? Ramsey.
On the basis of this tree confirming what we had already guessed, I have now made my great great grandfather, Robert Brewster of Dromore, the son of Robert Brewster of Camus.