Source: his gravestone is on the same plot as my GGGGp's, John and Elizabeth Boyds, in the Vow graveyard, suggesting some link. There is a third stone to the left, which is illegible and much smaller. A Jean McCurdy's memorial is also on the plot.
Source, the Griffiths Valuation, where he holds Plots 3A, 3B and 3C, where 3C is a brickfield, totalling about 17 acres. He leases these from the Rev Wm C O'Neill and lives in House a on Plot 3C. There are two people leasing cottages with small gardens from Robert on Plot 3C. They are Jane Dunne in House b and Alexander Graham in House c and there is also an Elizabeth Cunningham whose House d is designated "Free". He also leases a small garden belonging to a House designated e on Plot 3C to a James Boyd who holds Plot 4. Were these men brothers? Did they split a Boyd farm between them? The GV map does indeed show that Plot 3B is between Plots 4A and 4B, so they do look like they were all one farm. This is probably the land held by a John Boyd in Maddykeel in the TAB, which was 36 acres. Plot 5 also seems to be part of the old farm as it was sandwiched between Plots 3 and 4. In the GV it belonged to Samuel Cunningham, who may be the same Saml Cunningham who holds Plits 1 and 2 in the GV.
Robert Boyd makes James Boyd of Bellaghbeddy the executor of his will in 1867 so there has to be a connection between this man and the Bellaghbeddy Boyds. The obvious speculation is that he is the uncle of James Boyd and that James is the older brother of my Matilda Boyd.
This is the only Boyd household in the 1901 Census:
Residents of a house 10 in Maddykeel Upper (The Vow, Antrim)
Show all informationSurname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses
Boyd Martha 27 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer's Daughter Read and write - Not Married -
Boyd David 80 Male Head of Family Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer Read only - Married -
Boyd William 24 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer's Son Read and write - Not Married -
Boyd John 21 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer's Son Read and write - Not Married -
Boyd Samuel 30 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim Road Contractor Read and write - Not Married -
Boyd David 32 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer's Son Read and write - Not Married -
Boyd Sarah 65 Female Wife Presbyterian Co Antrim - Read only - Married -
These are the members of the only Boyd household in the 1911 Census:
Residents of a house 5 in Maddykeel, Upper (The Vow, Antrim)
Show all informationSurname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses Years Married Children Born Children Living
Boyd Sarah 75 Female Head of Family Presbyterian Co Antrim - Read - Widow - 43 5 5
Boyd David 42 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer Read - Single - - - -
Boyd William 35 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer Read and write - Single - - - -
Stevenson Samuel 30 Male Son in Law Presbyterian Co Antrim Farmer Read - Married - 7 5 5
Stevenson Martha 36 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Antrim - Read and write - Married - 7 5 5
Stevenson Easther 6 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Antrim Scholar Read and write - Single - - - -
Stevenson David 4 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim - Cannot read or write - Single - - - -
Stevenson Sarah 3 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Antrim - Cannot read or write - Single - - - -
Stevenson William 2 Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim - Cannot read or write - Single - - - -
Stevenson John Male Son Presbyterian Co Antrim - Cannot read or write - Single - - - -
The GVRBs for Maddykeel Lower show:
Book 1 - 1864-1866 - Robert Boyd holds Plot 3 and James Boyd holds Plot 4.
Book 2 - 1867-1884 - Robert Boyd is scored out of Plot 3 in 1869 and replaced with James Boyd. This is consistent with Robert dying in 1867. James Boyd is then scored out of Plot 3 in 1884. He is also scored out of Plot 4 in 1884 and both Plots go to a John Cunningham. THIS PROVES CONCLUSIVELY THAT THIS JAMES BOYD IN MADDYKEEL LOWER IS THE SAME JAMES BOYD WHO HELD PLOT 9 IN BALLAGHBEDDY BECAUSE BOTH ARE SCORED OUT IN 1884.
Book 3 - 1884-1897 - Henry Cunningham joins John Cunningham as the leasee of both Plots 3 and 4 in 1892.
Book 4 - 1897-1912 - Still John and Henry Cunningham on both plots.