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Berkebile Leonard marriage

newspaper article
MRS. PHILIP T. LEONARD is the former Miss Madge Berkebile, daughter of Mrs. John M. Berkebile of the Toy apartments, who was married in San Mateo, Calif., to Leonard of the merchant marine, formerly of Stanford. Mrs. Leonard has returned to Great Falls and will make her home here. The bridegroom is at present assigned as chief radio operator on a tanker.

Local Girl, P. T. Leonard Are Married
Mrs. John M. Berkebile of the Toy apartments announces the marriage of her daughter, Madge, to Philip T. Leonard of Stanford. The ceremony was performed at the R. J. Barber home in San Mateo, Calif., by the Rev. Miles M. Post of the First Methodist church of Burlingame, Calif. Attendants were Mrs. Robert E. Lydiard and R. J. Barber. Only close friends of the couple were present. The bride wore a pastel blue wool suit with white accessories. Her corsage was of orchids. Mrs. Lydiard wore a violet suit with white accessories and a corsage of yellow begonias. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard took a wedding trip to San Francisco and other southern California points. Graduating from Great Falls high school in 1936, Mrs. Leonard has been employed by the William R. Davis agency since that time. She is a member of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Mr. Leonard was graduated from Great Falls high school in 1933 and was employed by the Montana Power company until 1937. He was graduated from New York university In 1941 and at present is assigned as chief radio operator on a tanker with the United States merchant marine. Mrs. Leonard has returned to Great Falls and will make her home here.
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by in Montana on August 13th, 1944 (Ref: p. 26) The author/originator was Great Falls Tribune. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

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