Andrew Findlay, bailie
newspaper article
Election of Bailie and Councillors for the Burgh of Kilsyth. - The burgesses of this burgh met on Friday last in the parish church - Robert Webster, Esq., factor to Sir Archd. Edmonstone, in the chair - when the following gentlemen were elected for the current year : - Andrew Findlay, Esq., bailie ; Wm. Jack, Esq., first councillor; John Livingstone, Esq. second do.; Robert Anderson, Esq., third do. ; Daniel Comrie, Esq., fourth do.; Robert Anderson, treasurer ; J. W. Young, Esq., town-clerk; Mr Win. Edmond procurator-fiscal; Robert Hamilton, officer.
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by on October 9th, 1851 (Ref: p 2) The author/originator was Falkirk Herald. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
- Source/Citation References (1)