Hugh Hamilton operative mason
newspaper article
OPERATIVE MASONS' SUPPER AND BALL. A supper and ball, got by a committee of the operative masons of Paisley, took place in the George Hotel last night. The attendance was numerous—more numerous than we could have expected the town to produce connection with the trade—and with gallantry becoming the craft there was scarcely a gentleman present without a lady by his side in ball costume which had the effect of giving the supper room very pleasant and gay appearance. Ex-Bailie Hamilton presided, and Mr James Smith officiated as croupier. Supporting the chairman, and in other parts of the room we observed Mr James Robertson, Glasgow, at present engaged at Ralston; Mr William Robin; Mr Morton; Mr James Robertson; Mr David Morton; Mr William Robertson; Mr John Bowes; Mr Hugh Hamilton, jun.; Mr D. Anderson, &c. Supper disposed of, the chairman delivered a short address, in which he embodied some excellent counsel to the young men present, and congratulated them on the improved and prosperous state of the trade. He then gave in succession "The Queen;" "The Prince of Wales and other members of the Royal Family," "Her Majesty's Ministers;" and "The Army and Navy," all of which were duly honoured. The toasts which followed, with appropriate introductions, were "The Member for the County," Mr James Robertson; "The Member for the Burgh,'by the Croupier; " The Lord Lieutenant of the CoTlnty,'' by Morton; " The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of Paisley," by the Chairman; "The Building Trade," coupled with the name of the Croupier, by the Chairman; " The Chairman." the Croupier; "The Ladies;" "The Joiners of Paisley;" The Committee; " &c. The toasts were interspersed by some excellent singing by Mr T. Hamilton, Mr Alex. Macfarlane, Mr Tait, Mr M. Wilson, and Mr Robert Cochran; and Mr Smith delighted the company by substituting several airs on the concertina for a song. The supper programme having been completed, and the night having been far spent in very happy manner, the company adjourned to the ball room, whero the pleasure and sociality were kept up in different form for several hours.
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by on November 21st, 1863 (Ref: p 4) The author/originator was Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
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