Walker 1901
1901 census
1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census Halkerston, Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland
Household Members
First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Sex Age Birth year Birth place Occupation
Thomas Walker Head Married Male 39 1862 Bathgate, Linlithgowshire (West Lothian), Scotland Formerly Ploughman
Janet Walker Wife Married Female 42 1859 Dalmeny, Linlithgowshire (West Lothian), Scotland -
William Walker Son Single Male 17 1884 West Calder, Midlothian, Scotland Cattleman
Janet Walker Daughter - Female 15 1886 West Calder, Midlothian, Scotland Farm Out Worker
Margaret Walker Daughter - Female 13 1888 West Calder, Midlothian, Scotland Scholar
Christina Walker Daughter - Female 9 1892 Bothwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland Scholar
Mary Walker Daughter - Female 7 1894 Currie, Midlothian, Scotland Scholar
Thomas Walker Son - Male 4 1897 Haddington, Haddingtonshire (East Lothian), Scotland -
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk (Ref: WALKER, JANET (Census 1901 674/00 002/00 014)) The author/originator was General Register Office, Scotland. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
- Source/Citation References (14)