- b.0565 in Aquitaine, France d.0610 in Carthage, Africa

- b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia

- b.0567 in Swabia, Germany d.0636

- b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France

- b.0540 d.0601

- b.0586 d.0615

- b.0541 d.0580

- b.0647 d.0690

- b.0550 d.0645

- b.0564 d.0639

- b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.17 Dec 0698 in Heristal, Liege, Austrasia

- b.0562 in Old Saxony, Germany

- b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium

- b.0567 in Swabia, Germany d.0636

- b.0690 in Laon, Aisne, France d.0747

- b.0630 d.0691 in France

- b.0660 d.0712

- b.0580 in Austrasia, France

- b.0590 in Austrasia, France

- b.0560 in Austrasia, France

- b.0640 in Austrasia, France

- b.0560 in Austrasia, France

- b.0590 in Austrasia, France

- b.0740

- b.Jun 0584 in Soissons, Aisneons, France d.28 Sep 0628 in Metz, Austrasia, France

- b.Apr 0600 in Metz, Austrasia, France d.19 Jan 0639

- b.0585 in Bourgogne, France d.0618 in Metz, Austrasia, France

- b.0634 in Metz, Austrasia, France d.27 Nov 0657

- b.0579 in Tongres, Aquitaine, France

- b.0610 in Neustria, France d.0642

- b.0657 d.0691

- b.~ 0575

- b.0590 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France

- b.0627 in East Anglia, Britain d.30 Jan 0680 in East Anglia, Britain

- b.0590 d.0658

- b.0615

- b.0698

- b.0565 in Aquitaine, France d.0610 in Carthage, Africa

- b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia

- b.0567 in Swabia, Germany d.0636

- b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France

- b.0540 d.0601

- b.0586 d.0615

- b.0541 d.0580

- b.0650 d.03 Jun 0692

- b.0550 d.0645

- b.0564 d.0639

- b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.17 Dec 0698 in Heristal, Liege, Austrasia

- b.0562 in Old Saxony, Germany

- b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium

- b.0567 in Swabia, Germany d.0636