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Male Edmund Tudor Click to view Edmund Tudor in the family tree

Edmund was born in 1430 in Hadham, Hertfordshire, England.  Edmund's father was Owain Tudor and his mother is Catherine De Valois.  His paternal grandparents are Maredudd ap Tudor ap Gronwy and Margaret verch Dafydd; his maternal grandparents were Charles VI Capet and Isabeau Wittelsbach. He had three brothers and a sister, named Owain, David Owen, Jasper and Jacina.  He was the third oldest of the five children.  He died at the age of 26 on November 1st, 1456 in Caerfyrddin, Dyfed, Wales.  He was buried in Saint David's Cathedral, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

Edmund's family with Margaret De Beaufort

They had a son named Henry VII.

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