REFN: 6040AN
Sir James Sandilands, of Sandilands, Clydesdale, confirmed to him 18 Dec 1
348 by his brother-in-law William, Lord Douglas, as also by the same pers
on the lands of Calder; married by 1349, as her 2nd husband of five, Elean
or, only sister of 1st Earl of Douglas and widow of Alexander Bruce, 1st a
nd last Earl of Carrick of the c1330 creation, and died by 1358. [Burke
's Peerage]
The name Sandilands is derived from the lands of Sandilands in the upper w
ard of Clydesdale, which together with the lands of Reidmyre were confirm
ed upon to James of Sandilands by William, Lord Douglas in 1348.
The barony of Calder and the lands of Bengowre (Bangour), Co. Edinburgh, w
ere bestowed upon James of Sandilands (1st feudal baron) by William, Lo
rd Douglas in free marriage with Eleanor de Bruce (William's sister). Beca
use of this marriage the Douglas arms were quartered by the Lords of Calde
r, and the Sandilands subsequently became in law the hiers-general of t
he house of Douglas.
In 1350 Pope Clement VI granted an indult to James of Sandilands and his w
ife to choose confessors in the usual form. When James died in 1358 his wi
dow had safe conduct for herself and four maids, with ten horses, to pa
ss to the parts of England on a pilgrimage to the shrines of the saints, d
ocument dated at Westminster 14 May 1358.
The actual house at Calder, once known as Caldour Castle, is the family se
at of the Sandilands (subsequently Sandilands/Torphichen) family, and situ
ated in Midcalder, Midloathian - not far from Torphichen preceptory. The o
riginal building dates from 1335 and much of the old castle is embodi
ed in the present structure. As part of its fortifications certain walls a
re eight to nine feet thick. The castle naturally has an interesting histo
ry, having spanned so many centuries and remaining in the hands of one fam
ily for so long.
Near to Calder House (Caldour Castle) is Calder Church (Caldour Kirk) whi
ch was granted by Duncan, Earl of Fife in about 1150 to the Abbey of Dunfe
rmline. Its beautiful choir and vestry date from 1537 and was the resu
lt of the piety of Peter Sandilands (second son of Sir James Sandilands, 5
th feudal baron of Calder), the last Catholic rector of Calder Church. Pet
er had begun the rebuilding of the church some time before his death and e
ntrusted its completion to his nephew. Sadly for Peter Sandilands the Cald
er church ceased to be Catholic after he died in 1549, and was Protesta
nt thereafter.
One of the more interesting marriages involving the family was between t
he Sir James Sandilands of Calder (2nd feudal baron) and Princess Jean, da
ughter of King Robert II of Scotland. [Previously Princess Jean had been t
he widow of Sir John Lyon of Glamis.] It is through the marriage of Sir Ja
mes Sandilands (2nd feudal baron) to Princess Jean that the Sandilands fam
ily of Calder has descent from the Stuarts (Stewarts).
Their son, Sir John Sandilands (3rd feudal baron of Calder) was thus the g
randson of King Robert II of Scotland. As Robert II was a direct ancest
or of King James VI (James I of England) Sir John Sandilands is a dista
nt great nephew of King James and an even greater distant great neph
ew of Queen Elizabeth II.
Similarly, as King Robert II was the grandson of King Robert I - the famo
us Robert the Bruce - Sir John Sandilands was the latter's great-great-gra
With the arrival of the Reformation the Sandilands of Calder were so
on to become Lords of Torphichen. At that time Sir James Sandilands (seco
nd son of 7th feudal baron of Calder), was a Knight of St John and pri
or of the Torphichen Preceptory (the centre of the Order of St John in Sco
tland). After the English Crown suppressed the Order in England in 1540 (a
nd Ireland in 1547) the only preceptory left belonging to the Knigh
ts of St John was Torphichen. As a result for almost twenty-five years (fr
om 1540 to 1564) Torphichen Preceptory under Sir Jam