REFN: 2490AN
REFN: P2491
GILBERTO M'ILVENE succeeded his fat her in possession of Grimmet and
Attiquin. He had confirmation
of Grimmet fr om Queen Mary 5-4-1546 as son and heir of Alan. Gilbert had
several sons of w hom Patrick is the only one proven. Other sons may have
been David, Gilbert, Oliver, and Thomas. Some searchers believe that
David was the heir, but that he abdicated in favor of Patrick, who
married a Kennedy and was able to retri eve the family fortunes.
Gilberto was a Colonel of horse and eventually died i n the battle of
FawsiDe near Edinburgh, September 18, 1547. His name is inclu ded in a
list of the gentry who fell in the battle, as published by Paterson' s
"History of Ayr and Wigton." Hanna's History mentions Gilbert as "Laird
M aclevens.O The following excerpt from "Lion in the North", by Prebble,
descri bes the battle "The Battle of FawsiDe was fought at Pinkie, six
miles south-e ast of Edinburgh. When the French left Scotland after
helping the Scots recla im St. Andrews, eighteen thousand Englishmen came
over the border under Hartf ord, now Duke of Somerset and Protector of
England by his own making. Six tho usand of them were cavalry and eight
hundred of the foot were musketeers; The re were fifteen pieces of heavy
artillery, a thousand wagons, and an attendan t fleet tacking up the
coast. The return of an old and terrible enemy brought a brief and
defiant unity to the Scots. On Black Saturday, September 18, 154 7, Arran
formed a battle-line of four divisions at Pinkie. The Scots had no
musketeers, only spears and archers. PriDe was again the greatest enemy
of t he Scots and would lead them to their own destruction. In five
hundred years the number of decisive battles they had won against
the English could be count ed on one hand, leaving a finger or two to wag
in caution. PriDe and over- co nfidence had lost them the rest, and it
would be so again."
Reg. Sig. Edinbu rgh, Vol. I, pg 136 is an extract of the passing of the
lands to Patrick heir of Gilbert McIlvane De Grumet, his father, who died
under his Majesty's Bann er in the Battle of Fawside. Three-merk lands of
Nether Grumett and Three-mer k lands of Ovir Grumett 6 merk, I pound, 6s,
8d lands of Attiquin in the Earl dom of Carrick. Dated Oct. 25, 1547.
In 1548 the Exchequer of Rolls of Scotlan d, Vol. 18, pg 438, shows
certain concessions made on monies due on death of those killed in battle
of Fawside. Patrick had been granted the lands, as not ed above, but by
this document life rent of 3 merklands of Net11er Grommet we re reserved
to Janet Corrie, Patrick's mother, widow of Gilbert. Life rent wa s given
to Allan Makelayne, his grandfather, of the 6 merklands of Attyquin a nd
freehold rights to Mariote Ferguson, wife of Allan, in certain lands.
Cause of Death: Killed in the Battle of FawsiDe Or dway
Title: House of Grimmett by William Ordway
Laird of Grimmet 15 45-1547.
He was confirmed of Grimmet by Queen Mary 4 Apr 1546 as son and heir of
Alan. Gilbert had several sons of which Patrick is the only one proven.
Other may be David, Gilbert, Oliver and Thomas.
1548 the Exchequer of Rolls of Scotland Vol 18, p 438 shows certain
concessions made on monies due on death of those killed in battle of
Fawside. Patrick has been granted the lands. Li fe rent of the merklands
of Nether Grummet were reserved to Janet Corrie, Pat rick's mother, widow
of Gilbert.