REFN: 12623AN
Lord of Croft
Baron of the Exchequer
Son and heir
Cokayne's Complete Peerage in Dave's Database.
Dave's Database. Utzinger, Dave, Rootsweb's WorldConnect, World Wide We
b: Available: [Online]: (
db=utzing) [30 August 2002].
HENRY SCROPE, son and heir, in 1289 acknowledged a debt to be levied in de
fault of payment on his lands in co. York; in 1293-4-5 acquired lands in c
o. York, including the advowson of the church of Wensley with its chapel
s. In or about 1294, with William le Scrop, presumably his father, he w
as witness to a grant by Thomas de Richmond, lord of Burton Constable, fr
om whom in 1294 he obtained a grant of the manor of Croft-on-Tees. On 8 Se
ptember 1302 he executed a charter granting to the prioress of Marrick, c
o. York, peacefuI enjoyment of common in the wood of [Kirkby] Fleetha
m; 9 November 1304, witnessed at York a charter of Robert de Brus, Ea
rl of Carrick; 27 March 1308 appointed a justice of the Common Pleas. Fr
om 1309 summoned among the justices and others of the Council to attend Co
uncils and Parliaments. 1309, one of the six judges of the Common Bench sp
ecially appointed by the King. 1 May 1310, granted protection as attenda
nt upon Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, the King's Lieu
tenant in England during his absence in Scotland. On 24 March 1310/1 he w
as going on the King's service to Scotland. In 1311, one of the executo
rs of the will of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln; 6 March 1311/12 to go wi
th others to the Archbishop of Canterbury and bishops, earls and barons ab
out to assemble in London, to explain certain matters touching ordinanc
es made by them; 12 September 1311 withdrew from Parliament, and was perem
ptorily ordered to return, and not to absent himself again without the Kin
g's licence; 1311/12, obtained a grant to himself and his heirs of free wa
rren in Fleetham, Fencotes, East and Little Bolton, and Paythorne, co. Yor
k; 1313, was granted by the King a rent in Medbourne, co. Leic, with the a
dvowson of the church to hold by service of 1/2 knight; 1314, going to Wal
es upon the King's service; 10 May 1314 appointed a commissioner to tre
at with the clergy of the province of York; 20 September 1314 licens
ed to crenellate his dwelling-place at Fleetham; 15 November 1315 receiv
ed letters of credence concerning the defence of the Scottish marches; 131
6, certified as lord or joint lord of Croft, Walmire, Jolby, Fencotes, Kir
kby Fleetham, Leeming, Bellerby, Bolton in Wensleydale, Bolton upon Swal
e, Paythorne and Edlington; 15 June 1317, appointed Chief Justice to ho
ld pleas before the King in place of William Inge; 1317, obtained a gra
nt of the manor of Wensley for life; 1319, Roald de Richmond granted to h
im and his heirs the reversion of all the lands which Harsculf de Clese
by had in the town and territory of Constable Burton; 1320, obtained a gra
nt of free warren in West Bolton, Wensleydale and Sledmere; 5 April 132
1, obtained land in Downholme, by agreement with the prioress of Marric
k; 4 March 1322/3, granted all the lands in Caldwell and Uckerby late of A
ndrew de Harcla (late Earl of Carlisle) and the lands in Hornby late of Ma
ster Michael de Harcla, rebels; May 1323, summoned to repair to the Ki
ng at York, travelling night and day;(c) 8 July 1323, superseded as Chi
ef justice by Hervey de Staunton; 11 September 1323, Justice of the Fore
st this side Trent; 18 August 1324, and again, 13 July 1325, Justice of t
he Forest beyond Trent, to be chief keeper and surveyor of the King's par
ks and chaces beyond Trent; 8 November 1324, appointed with William Archbi
shop of York and his own brother Geoffrey to make a final peace with Robe
rt de Brus; 10 September 1326, appointed a conservator of the peace for c
o. York; 5 February 1326/7, appointed 2nd justice of the Bench; 28 Octob
er 1329, reappointed Chief Justice; 19 Decembe