REFN: P124
The arms of Deacon of Hemel Hempstead w ere, A chevron treillisse' betwen
three roses. Crest: a demi eagle. This fa mily has been of considerable
note in Hertfordshire, deriving descent from Ri chard Deacon of Wyndruge,
Hertfordshire, who died 1496, and whose three sons were in the service of
the Crown, the elder as Secretary to Elizabeth of York , consort to Henry
VII, and the other two in the military service. Their unc le Michael was
Bishop of St. Asaph.
In 1658 (25 Nov), Zaccheus Gould of Tops field deputed "John Putnam of
Salem, the younger, his cousin" to be his attor ney. (Essex Court
Records, IV, 100.) In an account book of John Gould, gran dson of
Zaccheus, born 1662, died 1724, is found an entry by him as follows,
"Grandfather Gould lived in Buckinghamshire, and Grandfather Deacon in
Hert fordshire, in Hempstead town in Corner Hall." In this same book are
referenc es to John Putnam, a contemporary, alluded to as "cousin." Jeremy
Gould, a br other of Zacheus, had wife (Priscilla Grover and was living in
ASton Abbotts in 1631, but was in RhoDe Island in 1638. Another brother
of Zacheus Gould wa s John, who lived in Bovington, and had a daughter
Priscilla (who married a G rover and had in turn a daughter named after
her,) and also a neice Pricilla Ware. Neither of these were of suitable
age to have married with John Putnam . (See Walter's Gleanings, page
1019.) Both John Putnam and Zacheus Gould n amed daughters "Phoebe."
Cousin was the term in use in the early part of the 17th century to
indicate nephew, and as there appears no opportunity for a Pu tnam-Gould
marriage either way, the only alternative is to adopt the suggesti on that
John Putnam and Zaccheus Gould had married sisters. (See page 46,
Geneological Bulletin for 1903.)
According to Professor Gould, Phebe, wife of Zaccheus Gould, was a
daughter of Thomas and Martha Deacon of Corner Hall. T homas Deacon is
said to have been born about 1585.* Thomas Deacon of Corner Hall was the
father of Thomas, born in 1609, who was B.A. Oxford, 1627, and
grandfather of Lt. Col. Thomas Deacon, the Parliamentary soldier. It is
pro bable that the Thomas Deacon of Corner Hall, called grandfather by
John Gould , was born some years prior to 1585. Bovington the home of the
Goulds and of the Deacons is part of Hempstead, and is but eight miles
from Tring. It is an interesting coincidence that Richard Deacon, the
Queen's secretary, purcha sed the two chief manors in Stewkley, Barns and
Littlecote, in 1503, which in 1521 he gave by will to his son Richard who
was of Marston Morteyn, Beds., a nd died 1543.
* Through the courtesy of Mr. Edward Deacon who has published in a work
entitled "The Descent of the Family of Deacon of Elstowe and London," an
extensive collection made by him regarding the Deacons, the will of
Tho mas Deacon of Bovington, Hertfordshire, yeoman, has been examined. The
testat or directs that his body be buried in the churchyard at Bovington,
and makes a small bequest to the poor. He names his three daughters,
Awdry, Margaret, and Marie, and his sons Roger and Thomas both of whom
were minors. To son-in -law John Ewer's children, William and Ann, and
after legacies to William Par ret, Francis Axtell, John Feilder and Henry
Style, resides to wife Joan, who with her brother Richard Allen are made
executors. Henry Mayne and John Goul d to be overseers. Witnesses, Thomas
Hallam, Raphe Bullock, John Deacon, Thom as FielDe and others. Dated 1
June, 1582, proved, Arch. Hauts. 20 June, 1582 .
Admitted Church: January 21, 1641/42, Salem, Ma ssachusetts