Alias:<ALIA> /Giolla/
REFN: 2361AN
REFN: P2362
GillebriDe (had gone to Ireland with his father, obtained the help of the
Irish of the Clan Cholla, and, landing in Argyll, made a gallant atte mpt
to expel the invaders. The Norsemen proved too strong, and GillebriDe was
compelled to hiDe in the woods and caves of Morven).1
b. ?
d. ?
(son, Som erled)
Hailes in his Annals related that, in 973, Marcus, King of the Isles;
Kenneth, King of the Scots, and Malcolm, King of the Cambri, entered into
a bond for mutual defense. Then followed Gilledomman, the grandfather of
Somerl ed. Gilledomnan was driven from the Isles by the Scandinavians, and
died in I reland, where he had taken refuge. His son, Gillebride, who had
gone to Irela nd with his father, obtained the help of the Irish of the
Clan Cholla, and, l anding in Argyll, made a gallant attempt to expel the
invaders. The Norsemen proved too strong, and GillebriDe was compelled to
hiDe in the woods and cave s of Morven. At this time, when the fortunes of
the Clan were at the lowest e bb, there arose a savior in the person of
one of the most celebrated of Celti c heroes, Somerled, the son of
Gille Bride
Gille Bride (Giolla Brighid), son of Gille Adomanan. Gille Bride travel
ed to Ireland to seek help in expelling the Norse from his ancestral land
s. He was the claimant of Argyll . Gille Bride had two (2) sons :
Dubhghall, was the King of the Isles, d. living in 1144. (Dubhghall is Iri
sh for a black foreigner) He was the ancestor of the MacDougall, MacDougal
d, MacDowell and MacDowall families.