Alias:<ALIA> The /Devout/
REFN: 4927AN
Lord of Berkeley
Robert Fitz-Harding, adhering to the Princess Maud and her son, Henry I, w
as rewarded by him with the manor of Berthone in Gloucester, as also 100 p
ounds per annum for lands in Berkeley, and afterwards the whole lordsh
ip of Berkeley and Berkeley-Hernessee, thereunto belonging to Roger de Ber
keley, owner of Dursley, was then divested for taking part with King Steph
By his wife Eva, daughter and heir of Estmond and his wife Godiva, had fi
ve sons--Henry, Maurice, Robert, Nicholas and Thomas--and dying Feb. 5, 11
70-71. He with his wife lies buried in the choir of St. Augustine's Abb
ey near Bristol, now the Cathedral, which he founded in 1148, and being st
yled "Canonicus," is supposed to have been a canon in his own Abbey. On re
ceiving the Lordship of Berkeley he assumed to surname Berkeley.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 279)