REFN: 2169AN
REFN: P2170
Estate of John Endecott (Endicott) of Salem and Boston
Essex Prob ate Docket # 9053
The last will & Testament of John Endecott Senior late of Sa lem now of
Boston made the second day of the third moneth called May 1659. As
I, John Endecott being (through the grace & mercie of God) at th is
present in health & sound memorie doe make this my last will & testament
as followeth.
Imprimis I give to my Dear & loving Wiefe Elizabeth Endecott al l that my
ffarme called Orchard lying within the bounds of Salem together wit h the
Dwelling Howse, outhowses, Barnes, stables, Cowhowses, & all other
bu ilding & appurtenances thereunto belonging & appertayning, And all the
Orchar ds nurseries of fruit trees, gardens, fences, meadow & salt marsh
thereunto a pptayning, And all the feeding grounds & arrable & planting
grounds there, bo th that wch is broken up & that wch is yet to break up.
As also all the timbe r trees & other trees for wood or other uses,
together with all the swamps th ereunto belonging or apptayninge during
her naturall life.
Itm. I give unto her my said wiefe all my moveable goods wch are at
Boston in the howse I now dwell in. viz. all my beds bedsteedes,
bolsters, pillows Coverletts, blankett s, rugs, courtaynes & vallence &
all furniture belonging to them of one kinDe or another and all my
carpetts cusheens & all goods of that nature. Also I g ive unto her my
said wiefe all my table board, table lining, cubbard, cubbard clothes
stooles, truncks, chests, or any other goods now in my pofsefsion, v iz.
pewter brafse, Iron, Andirons, spitts. Also I give unto her all my silver
plate & spoones of one kinDe & another. And all my Linnen of what sort
soe ver.
Itm. I give unto her my said wiefe all my nuther cattle of one kinDe &
another as also all my sheepe, & all my wearing clothes wch shee may
bestow o n my children as shee shall see good. Also I give unto her all my
bookes wher eof shee may bestow on my two sonnes such of them as they are
capable to make use of & the rest to be sold to help pay my debts.
Also I give unto her my sa id wiefe my howses at Salem & the ground
belonging unto them, And all the goo ds there wch are myne, leaving to my
wiefe full power to Dispose of them whet her howses or goods as shee shall
see good. Also I give unto my said wiefe al l such debts as are due or
shall be due unto me at the day of my departure, e ither from the Countrie
or from any person or persons inhabiting in this Coun trie or in England
or elsewhere.
Also I give unto her Catta Hand neere Salem (wch the generall Court gave
me), during her naturall liefe, & after her dec ease to my twoe sonnes,
John & Zerubabel or to the longest liver of them.
Al so I give to John Endecott my eldest sonne, the farme which I bought of
Henry Chickerin of Dedham (which I formerly bestowed on him) lying within
the boun ds of Salem. And all howses & lands whether meadow or pasture or
arable land as it is conveyed unto me in an Indenture bearing Date the
fowerth day of the eighth moneth Anno 1648. And the said Indenture or
conveyance to be Delivere d unto him & said land with the appurtenances to
be to him & his heires forev er.
Itm. I give to him & to my younger sonne Zerobabel the whole farme called
Orchard to be opted indifferentlie betweene them after the decease of my
sa id wiefe. Also I give unto Zerobbabl a farme out of the farme lying
upon Ipwi ch river contayning three hundred acres whereof ffortie acres is
meadow lying along the playne by the rivers siDe next to Zacheus Gould
his land which lye th by the brooks siDe that runneth into Ipswich at the
furthest end of the pl ayne.Itm. I give unto my said loving wiefe my
eldest mare which she was wont to riDe on & her eldest mare foale.
Itm. I give unto my sonne John Endecott th e horse coalt that now runs
with the mare.
Also I make my wiefe sole & oneli e executrix of this my last will &
testament. A