REFN: 4765AN
REFN: P4766
CHRISTIAN DEIS, wholesale grocer, Dover, is a member of the firm o f Deis
& Fertig, which succeeded the original firm of C. Deis in September,
1878. It is the only wholesale house of the kind in this county, and the
fir m carry a stock of $20,000, enjoying a lucrative trade. Christian Deis
was bo rn in Dover Township, this county and State, in 1843, and is the
eldest son o f John H. and Saloma Deis, the latter a daughter of John
Arnold. John Deis wa s a settler of this county in 1840, and followed
fanning until his retirement from business, taking up his residence in
Dover. They raised a family of ten children, five of whom are residents
of this county. The subject of this ske tch was raised on a farm until
eighteen years of age, when, in 1861, he joine d the ranks of the Union
army as a private in Company E, Eightieth Ohio Volun teer Infantry, in the
three years' service, the company joining the Western a rmy. He
participated in the battles of Iuka, Corinth, Jackson and Mission Rid ge,
some other smaller engagements, and siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Serving
t hrough the call, he re-enlisted in the Eightieth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, and joined the army at Huntsville. Ala,. He took part in the
siege of Atlanta, a nd was with Sherman on his memorable march to the sea,
thence, went to Washin gton through the grand review, and after further
service at Little Rock, Ark. , was discharged in August, 1865. During his
military career, he received pro motions to the First and Second
Lieutenancy, and to the Captaincy of the comp any, in which latter rank he
was mustered out. Returning to peaceful pursuits , he engaged in farming
for five years, after which he formed a partnership r elation with his
brother Philip in the hardware trade, and continued until he opened his
grocery store. He was united in marriage, in 1865, to Miss Rosann a,
daughter of John Harbold, a pioneer family, and a native of this county.
Of the children born to this union, four are living, via.: Clara, Charles
H. , Calvin and Adelaide. The family are connected with the German
Lutheran Chur ch. and Mr. Deis numbers among the stanch and reliable
business men of Dover.
REV. H. B. DUES, rector St. Joseph's Church, Dover, was born in
Cincinnati, Ohio, February 5, 1850. His parents, Henry B. and Catharine
(Wehri) Dues, we re natives of Prussia, who came to the United States in
1843, settling in Cin cinnati, Ohio. Here Mr. Dues became engaged at his
trade, cabinet-making, whi ch he followed to the close of his life, May
16, 188?. The widow and mother r esides with her son, our subject, at his
home in Dover, Ohio. They were the p arents of eight children, four sons
and four daughters, all of whom are livin g. The subject of this sketch,
at an early age, entered the Holy Trinity Paro chial Schools at
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he applied himself to his studies fo r three
years, and then for three years more was at St. Anthony's Parochial
School of Cincinnati. He subsequently began an apprenticeship at
type-settin g and printing, and after finishing his traDe in the fifteenth
year of his ag e, entered upon the completion of his education in St.
Mary's Seminary at Cin cinnati. He there applied himself. assiduously
until twenty-one years of age, concluding in the classics and philosophy.
He then took a course in theology under the preceptorship of Bishop
Rosecrans in the Aloysius Seminary at Colu mbus, Ohio. He was ordained
priest by Bishop Rosecrans, at St. Joseph's Cathe dral, Columbus, Ohio,
May 30, 1874. He celebrated his first mass where he had received his
first holy communion, in St. Anthony's Church, Cincinnati, and was
appointed assistant rector of St. Peter's Church at Steubenville, Ohio,
in 1874. This position he filled acceptably for two years, when he was
made rector of the same church for six months, attending missions at
Hammondsville and Mingo Junction, Ohio. On January 11, 1877, h