REFN: 4643AN
REFN: P4644
A Charter is recorded as made to him for lands In Fifeshire in the reign
of Robert I. He, in turn, granted part of these lands, by charter, to
Thomas Moneypenney.
Neidpath Castle undoubtedly became the property of Sir G ilbert Hay,
through his wife's inheritance.
"Sir Gilbert made one of those f ortunate marriages for which the Hays
were so noted. His wife was one of the daughters and co-heiresses of Sir
Simon Fraser, the gallant patriot, and the friend and companion of
Wallace, who was executed at London by Edward I, with circumstances of
shocking barbarity. By this marriage the Hays obtained the valuable
barony of Neidpath, and other lands of Tweedside, which remained in their
possession until the year 1686."
The Great Historic Families of Scotla nd, James Taylor
Sir Gilbert Hay was personal friend and comrade-in-arms to th e 14th
century Scottish King Robert the Bruce. In recognition and reward for his
many years of faithful service, Sir Gilbert was given the honorary
here ditary title of Lord High Constable of Scotland (a title is still
carried tod ay) and was given the titles to the lands of Slains,
Aberdeenshire. He was Am bassador to England after Bannockburn in 1314.
Back in time again to the begin ning the 14th century, when Sir Gilbert
Hay had succeded to the lands of Erro l: This worthy knight is the first
of the titled chiefs to fire the imaginati on in the story of the Hays. He
became a faithful companion-in-arms to Robert the Bruce not only in the
triumphant culmination of the Wars of Independence at Bannockburn, but
through all the privations beforehand when the Bruce "to ok to the
heather" and following that, in the commando-type exploits of the w inning
back of the castles one by one, until Stirling confronted them and the
climax had come.
When Robert the Bruce was established on the throne, he gi fted the lands
of Slains in Aberdeenshire to Sir Gilbert Hay together with th e office of
High Consatble in recognition of his services. And Sir Gilbert wa s one of
the barons who signed the famous Declaration of Independence at Arbr oath
in 1320.