REFN: 10034AN
In 1191 founded Combs Abbey, in County Warwick, in the time of King Stephe
n. He was an Admiral in Richard Coeur de Lion's expedition to the Holy Lan
d, and was subsequently Governor of Cypress. He died at Acre. This Richa
rd is the grandfather of the Richard who in 1226 married Eustachia Basset.
Richard de Camville, who was founder, in temp King Stephen, of Combe Abbe
y, County Warwick, and was one of the witnesses, in the 12th year of the s
ame reign, to the convention between that monarch and Henry, Duke of Norma
ndy, regarding the succession of the latter to the crown of England. (Ki
ng Stephen was the son of Adela, daughter of William, the Conqueror, and t
his Henry was the great-grandson of William, being the son of Maud, call
ed the Empress, daughter of Henry I, son of William. As this last Henry w
as just a baby in, 1135, Stephen was finally made King, and in the wars ov
er it all it was agreed that Henry should follow Stephen, which he d
id in 1154 as Henry II.) This feudal lord appears to be a person of gre
at power during the whole reign of Henry II, and after the accession of Ri
chard I we find him one of the Admirals in the expedition made by that mon
arch to the Holy Land. He was subsequently Governor of Cypress, when
ce he went without the King's permission to the Siege of Acre and there di
ed. His lordship left four sons and a daughter.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 499)
Founded Combe Abbey, Warwickshire, England between 1149 & 1161,
Text: -Camvill & Longspé, Vol. I, p. 694