REFN: 8514AN
Humphrey De Bohun was the name of a number of men in medieval England, a
ll members of a prominent noble family.
Humphrey 'with the beard' came to England after the Norman Conquest. His s
Humphrey was probably one of Henry I's stewards. His son
Humphrey (d. April 6, 1187) fought on the Empress' siDe during the Anarch
y, and later supported her son Henry II during some of the rebellions of d
uring his reign. He married Margaret, daughter of Milo of Gloucester, Ea
rl of Hereford. Their son
Humphrey (d. 1182) was sometimes called Earl of Hereford after the failu
re of the male line in his mother's family, but was never formally install
ed as earl. He married Margaret, daughter of Henry, Earl of Huntingdon (w
ho was a son of David, King of Scotland). Since he died before his fathe
r, the family lands were inherited by his son Henry De Bohun, 1st Ea
rl of Hereford. Henry was succeeded by his son
Humphrey De Bohun, 2nd Earl of Hereford and 1st Earl of Essex (d. 1274). H
is son
Humphrey, predeceased his father. His son
Humphrey De Bohun, 3rd Earl of Hereford and 2nd Earl of Essex (d. 129
8) is remembered for refusing to serve in Gascony except in company of t
he king. His son
Humphrey De Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford and 3rd Earl of Essex (1276-1322
). He was one of the leaders who deposed King Edward II's favorite Piers G
aveston. He fought at the Battle of Bannockburn, where he was captur
ed by the Scots. He was killed at the Battle of Boroughbridge, while leadi
ng another rebellion against the king. He married Elizabeth, daughter of K
ing Edward I, and was succeeded by his second son John, 5th Earl of Herefo
rd and 4th Earl of Essex.
Humphrey, 6th Earl of Hereford and 5th Earl of Essex (d. 1361) was the thi
rd son of the 4th Earl of Hereford, and succeeded his brother John. He w
as succeeded by his nephew
Humphrey De Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford, 6th Earl of Essex, and 2nd Ea
rl of Northampton (d. 1372). He was the son of William De Bohun, 1st Ea
rl of Northampton, who was son of the 4th Earl of Hereford.
The 7th Earl of Hereford was the last of this Bohun line. His great esta
te was split between his two daughters: Mary De Bohun, who married the fut
ure Henry IV (who was created Duke of Hereford before he was king), and El
eanor, who married Thomas of Woodstock.
The name Humphrey recurs among the two sisters' children and grandchildre
n, including Mary's son Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, Eleanor's son Humphr
ey, Earl of Buckingham (d. 1399), and her grandson Humphrey Stafford, 1
st Duke of Buckingham.